What will happen if you do not remove the tubers of dahlia for the winter?
It seems like spring has been quite recently. It seemed that yesterday thrifty housewives were cutting dahlias and planting young plants in the ground. But spring and summer have already passed, and the time for admiring the lush flowers has ended. And the question was, How to save dahlias in winterNext year, we will redecorate our land with these wonderful flowers.
Almost everyone knows that after the first freezing of the plant you need to trim. But what about the tubers? If they do not, they will surely be destroyed. There are many ways, and each of them is good in its own way. Each hostess has to choose the one that she likes more.
For example, to protect tubers from drying out, as well as from rodents, they can be clay. To do this, you must first clean the rhizomes from the ground, treat with fungicide and dry. Fatty clay must be dissolved in water. A suitable mixture in consistency resembles sour cream.
Then each tuber should be immersed in the mixture for a couple of seconds, removed and let dry. After that, the already dried tubers are put in storage containers and sent to the cellar. Before planting, the clay shell must be broken or soaked.
There. dahlia even in paraffin. To do this, clean tubers are dipped for a few seconds in paraffin heated in a water bath. And the procedure should be repeated after the first layer dries.
Then the tubers are folded into cellophane bags, poured with sawdust and removed for storage. Such a paraffin crust will not allow dahlia to germinate before the due date. And when planting, it is enough to rub the crust so that it cracks.
How to save dahlias in the winter without undue effort And yet we offer another, rather simple way that will not take much time and effort. Only prune dahlias will have before frost - while the plants are still strong and healthy.
The main thing is that the weather is dry. And it is more pleasant to work when the yard is still dry and warm, so the method has advantages for dahlias and for the summer resident himself.
Thus, rhizomes will be stored in an environment that prevents them from rotting. In addition, the humidity level necessary for storing dahlias is maintained.
Tara with tubers (be it a box or a bag) can be kept in the cellar next to potatoes. After all, both dahlias and potatoes have approximately similar storage requirements. And already in March it will be possible to remember about dahlias and put them in a bright place for cutting.

Almost everyone knows that after the first freezing of the plant you need to trim. But what about the tubers? If they do not, they will surely be destroyed. There are many ways, and each of them is good in its own way. Each hostess has to choose the one that she likes more.
For example, to protect tubers from drying out, as well as from rodents, they can be clay. To do this, you must first clean the rhizomes from the ground, treat with fungicide and dry. Fatty clay must be dissolved in water. A suitable mixture in consistency resembles sour cream.
Then each tuber should be immersed in the mixture for a couple of seconds, removed and let dry. After that, the already dried tubers are put in storage containers and sent to the cellar. Before planting, the clay shell must be broken or soaked.

There. dahlia even in paraffin. To do this, clean tubers are dipped for a few seconds in paraffin heated in a water bath. And the procedure should be repeated after the first layer dries.
Then the tubers are folded into cellophane bags, poured with sawdust and removed for storage. Such a paraffin crust will not allow dahlia to germinate before the due date. And when planting, it is enough to rub the crust so that it cracks.

How to save dahlias in the winter without undue effort And yet we offer another, rather simple way that will not take much time and effort. Only prune dahlias will have before frost - while the plants are still strong and healthy.
The main thing is that the weather is dry. And it is more pleasant to work when the yard is still dry and warm, so the method has advantages for dahlias and for the summer resident himself.
- First of all, cut the dahlia at a height of 15 centimeters.
- Then, using the pitchforks, dig out the rhizome. You can dig and shovel, but here you need to operate carefully so as not to damage anything.
- Shake the ground and send rhizomes to lie down for 2-3 days in a dry, ventilated place. Nothing needs to be cut or divided.
- For storage, you can take a box with a film lined bottom or even a large household bag. Lay it down. Put the dahlia tubers with moss or vermiculite.
Thus, rhizomes will be stored in an environment that prevents them from rotting. In addition, the humidity level necessary for storing dahlias is maintained.
Tara with tubers (be it a box or a bag) can be kept in the cellar next to potatoes. After all, both dahlias and potatoes have approximately similar storage requirements. And already in March it will be possible to remember about dahlias and put them in a bright place for cutting.
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