What are the qualities of a sales assistant: the advice of experts Eldorado HR
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The position of sales assistant — start the careers of many professionals. But to become a real guru of sales is not given to everyone. The job of a salesperson in a large company requires not only professional skills and responsible attitude to their duties (and where, tell me, is it not necessary?), but also a kind of talent, like musical, artistic or mathematical gift. The Eldorado HR professionals share their experience: what are the qualities of the applicant the relevant workplace.
Personal qualities
If you think that the seller can become a person who applied to the company, is a delusion. Managers recruitment of staff is strictly monitored to ensure that the newcomer was consistent with ideas about the ideal employee. People without special training and experience in sales can't help the client to choose products and to gently push him to the purchase. Of course, the work of vendors-consultants — for extroverts: bright, charismatic, in which communication with people delivers a visible pleasure. Add to this the confidence in the good quality of goods sold, knowledge of brands and characteristics of products sold — portrait of a good employee with high volumes of sales ready (at least in first approximation). Naturally, from the inert man with the indifferent attitude to customers and the goods are good indicators should not wait.
In order to pursue a career in Commerce, you need the foundations of mathematical knowledge, a good memory, attentiveness, ability to use cash register equipment and a computer.
As for personal qualities, success reaches the one who:
Welcome and such a quality:
Professional skills
To succeed and maintain a good performance, innate qualities little. You need to have these skills:
A definite plus — the desire for self-development and learning. The trainings conducted by the employer, help the sales consultant to progress and become a real "Pro".
The position of sales assistant — start the careers of many professionals. But to become a real guru of sales is not given to everyone. The job of a salesperson in a large company requires not only professional skills and responsible attitude to their duties (and where, tell me, is it not necessary?), but also a kind of talent, like musical, artistic or mathematical gift. The Eldorado HR professionals share their experience: what are the qualities of the applicant the relevant workplace.

Personal qualities
If you think that the seller can become a person who applied to the company, is a delusion. Managers recruitment of staff is strictly monitored to ensure that the newcomer was consistent with ideas about the ideal employee. People without special training and experience in sales can't help the client to choose products and to gently push him to the purchase. Of course, the work of vendors-consultants — for extroverts: bright, charismatic, in which communication with people delivers a visible pleasure. Add to this the confidence in the good quality of goods sold, knowledge of brands and characteristics of products sold — portrait of a good employee with high volumes of sales ready (at least in first approximation). Naturally, from the inert man with the indifferent attitude to customers and the goods are good indicators should not wait.
In order to pursue a career in Commerce, you need the foundations of mathematical knowledge, a good memory, attentiveness, ability to use cash register equipment and a computer.
As for personal qualities, success reaches the one who:
- can correctly and clearly Express thoughts, without tongues or excessive ornateness;
- able to listen to the interlocutor, not interrupting it;
- owns the technique of persuasion;
- knows how to behave politely, kindly, do not allow yourself to be rude even in the most difficult situations;
- he is active, working with the buyer, without being Intrusive.
Welcome and such a quality:
- understanding the psychology of the client;
- resourcefulness;
- responsibility;
- stress resistance;
- sense of humor (of course, not beyond the bounds of decency).

Professional skills
To succeed and maintain a good performance, innate qualities little. You need to have these skills:
- ability to apply sales techniques;
- knowing the information about the product, its features and benefits;
- the ability to convince the customer that making a purchase, he gets a real benefit;
A definite plus — the desire for self-development and learning. The trainings conducted by the employer, help the sales consultant to progress and become a real "Pro".

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