Select notebooks for school. What to look for when buying?
Twenty nine million eight hundred sixty six thousand two hundred eighty two
Modern students have to use different stationery. Dealing with preparation of the child for the school year, is to worry about buying good pencils, pens, pencil case, colours. In addition, you should try to choose high-quality notebook for school that will appeal to the young user, will cause the approval of the demanding teachers.
What you should pay attention to when buying notebooks?That the student is able to successfully perform the job of teachers without harm to health, enjoying the learning process, you will need to pay attention to the selection criteria of suitable notebooks. In practice, the basic requirements for the quality of the paper.
Important condition — size notebooks. Considered the standard of the product, relating to format 5. In our schools the students use the notebooks with 12 or 18 sheets. Valid purchase thick notebooks — by agreement with the teacher.
Deserves special attention as metal brackets providing mounting plates inside. Unacceptable purchase of goods tightly closed brackets — it may injure the hands of users.
What's with the cover?For sale is a lot of notebooks with different cover design. Parents should choose the appropriate options in accordance with the personal preferences of the student (if they do not conflict with school requirements.) Boys like garments decorated with images of cars, planes, other equipment. The girls enjoy writing in a notebook with flowers, birds, cartoon characters. Seniors prefer to use the products, the covers of which are decorated with photos of famous world landmarks.
Welcome the presence on the cover of the custom fields filled out by the student. Here the student indicates personal data (name, subject, institution number, class, and other information).
Modern students have to use different stationery. Dealing with preparation of the child for the school year, is to worry about buying good pencils, pens, pencil case, colours. In addition, you should try to choose high-quality notebook for school that will appeal to the young user, will cause the approval of the demanding teachers.
What you should pay attention to when buying notebooks?That the student is able to successfully perform the job of teachers without harm to health, enjoying the learning process, you will need to pay attention to the selection criteria of suitable notebooks. In practice, the basic requirements for the quality of the paper.
- Density. The sheets shall not deform, break under the pressure of the pen or pencil. The best is the paper with a density of 55... 75 g / m.
- Color. From the color of the paper depends directly on the health of the eye. Notebooks with crisp white sheets with a shiny surface will irritate the organs of vision children. According to ophthalmologists, the frequent use of such products can cause pain, cramps in the eyes. Ideal is white within 82... 96%. Note that paper notebooks with an unpleasant yellow, gray tint looks untidy, don't like children and teachers.
- Markings. In a notebook sheet should be clear markings with grey stripes. It is noteworthy that the blue cells that line provoked a ripple in the organs of vision that can negatively affect the condition of the eye.
Important condition — size notebooks. Considered the standard of the product, relating to format 5. In our schools the students use the notebooks with 12 or 18 sheets. Valid purchase thick notebooks — by agreement with the teacher.
Deserves special attention as metal brackets providing mounting plates inside. Unacceptable purchase of goods tightly closed brackets — it may injure the hands of users.
What's with the cover?For sale is a lot of notebooks with different cover design. Parents should choose the appropriate options in accordance with the personal preferences of the student (if they do not conflict with school requirements.) Boys like garments decorated with images of cars, planes, other equipment. The girls enjoy writing in a notebook with flowers, birds, cartoon characters. Seniors prefer to use the products, the covers of which are decorated with photos of famous world landmarks.
Welcome the presence on the cover of the custom fields filled out by the student. Here the student indicates personal data (name, subject, institution number, class, and other information).
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