Buying a home for the children. Is it worth it?
Eighty million four hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred fifty four
More and more people are thinking over whether to purchase housing children in advance. Almost every real estate portal one way or another affected by this issue. Interestingly, surveys show that most people in the cities, about 70%, I consider it necessary to help children fully or partially. Approximately 20% of respondents, however, believe this approach is inappropriate, focusing on the need of self-purchase housing child.
Housing in Novosibirsk
This question is relevant for all cities, especially cities like Novosibirsk. Yes, there are programs for young families. You can try to buy them at the initial stage of construction — read more about purchase options can be viewed on the website https://novosibirsk.etagi.com/zastr/. However, it should be noted that the construction of equity eroding in connection with changes in legislation. To get the cherished square meters only after creating a family I wish not all. That's why one way or another, but the question for most parents. Features:
Real estate and motivation for success
One should not overlook the purely psychological factors. Polls have shown that greater success in acquiring housing reach those people whom the parents initially motivated independent solution of the problem, offering only a partial help. It's safe to say that the best are not the most extreme options: buying a ready home or, on the contrary, laying on the shoulders of the child this problem fully. The vast majority of respondents believe that the best interim option.
More and more people are thinking over whether to purchase housing children in advance. Almost every real estate portal one way or another affected by this issue. Interestingly, surveys show that most people in the cities, about 70%, I consider it necessary to help children fully or partially. Approximately 20% of respondents, however, believe this approach is inappropriate, focusing on the need of self-purchase housing child.
Housing in Novosibirsk
This question is relevant for all cities, especially cities like Novosibirsk. Yes, there are programs for young families. You can try to buy them at the initial stage of construction — read more about purchase options can be viewed on the website https://novosibirsk.etagi.com/zastr/. However, it should be noted that the construction of equity eroding in connection with changes in legislation. To get the cherished square meters only after creating a family I wish not all. That's why one way or another, but the question for most parents. Features:
- Employees of real estate agencies have noted that often people who buy a small Studio and one-bedroom apartments for their children in Novosibirsk, prepare for it in advance. Many of the buyers of the inhabitants of other regions: the Yamal Peninsula, Kuzbass, etc. When the child goes to school in a big city, the parents in parallel to acquire him a small housing. In the vast majority of cases you are paying for the apartment immediately without the involvement of mortgage programs.
- The second, equally strong trend: parents make the initial payment, provided the mortgage programme, and further payments are made by the young man or woman, who by that time had usually already done with my studies. The initial fee varies, but in most cases it is at least 10-20% of the total project cost.
- Still for young people the actual purchase of small apartments-studios and one-bedroom in residential areas of the city. Subsequently, they move to other areas expand the living space.
Real estate and motivation for success
One should not overlook the purely psychological factors. Polls have shown that greater success in acquiring housing reach those people whom the parents initially motivated independent solution of the problem, offering only a partial help. It's safe to say that the best are not the most extreme options: buying a ready home or, on the contrary, laying on the shoulders of the child this problem fully. The vast majority of respondents believe that the best interim option.