Remuneration for the spent in online shopping amount
Twenty three million one hundred fifty eight thousand nine hundred seventy nine
To understand how cashback works and what it is all about, consider the following example. Let the buyer merchandised in the store for 10 thousand rubles. Supermarket he visits every week and during one trip spends approximately 512 rubles (according to statistics). The average estimate for the month would be purchases of 50 thousand rubles. Can I recover from the money spent from 100 to 3000 rubles "live" money, not coupons or certificates? The website has detailed explanations on the principle of operation of the system of refund on the card or issued on any e-wallet service. Such money:
How to obtain a refund will pokupatelyami to register for convenient services like Smarty Sale, Extrabux or other similar. After the entrance to the site will need to go to the website of the online store. Ordering of goods is made in the usual way by adding items to the cart. There, on the website of the seller need to pay in cash for products and service delivery. If you do cod – money can be accrued.
Amount on the application for cashback to be visible in the personal account service. You will need to create and confirm the request for withdrawal of such funds, pointing the way of receipt.
Where does "cashback"
In the operation of the system involves 3 entities:
The amount of earnings depends on the trading floor and the value of the selected item. It is recommended to use the proven services. Many of them, there is a limit to the minimum of the accumulated amount. The Commission for operations is not provided.
To understand how cashback works and what it is all about, consider the following example. Let the buyer merchandised in the store for 10 thousand rubles. Supermarket he visits every week and during one trip spends approximately 512 rubles (according to statistics). The average estimate for the month would be purchases of 50 thousand rubles. Can I recover from the money spent from 100 to 3000 rubles "live" money, not coupons or certificates? The website has detailed explanations on the principle of operation of the system of refund on the card or issued on any e-wallet service. Such money:
- to defer in the form of a Deposit;
- immediately spend;
- to collect on the purchase of your dreams.
- the mobile account replenishment;
- Bank card;
- e-wallet.
How to obtain a refund will pokupatelyami to register for convenient services like Smarty Sale, Extrabux or other similar. After the entrance to the site will need to go to the website of the online store. Ordering of goods is made in the usual way by adding items to the cart. There, on the website of the seller need to pay in cash for products and service delivery. If you do cod – money can be accrued.
Amount on the application for cashback to be visible in the personal account service. You will need to create and confirm the request for withdrawal of such funds, pointing the way of receipt.
Where does "cashback"
In the operation of the system involves 3 entities:
- an interested buyer;
- online store that needs a turnover (volume of sales);
- the cashback service, which receives a premium from online stores for attracting customers.
The amount of earnings depends on the trading floor and the value of the selected item. It is recommended to use the proven services. Many of them, there is a limit to the minimum of the accumulated amount. The Commission for operations is not provided.
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