How to learn the multiplication table and save a lot of nerves

The multiplication table is a basic concept in mathematics, with which we get acquainted in elementary school and which we then use all our life, regardless of profession. But the children are in no hurry to memorize the endless columns by heart, especially if the task was during the holidays.
The site will give advice on how to easily learn the table with the children and make this process fun.
Pythagoras table

Despite the fact that the task is to learn, that is, memorize, the table by heart, first of all it is important to understand the essence of the action itself. To do this, you can replace multiplication by addition: the same numbers are added as many times as we multiply. For example, 6 × 8 would be to fold 8 times 6.
Highlight the same values

An excellent helper for learning multiplication will be the Pythagorean table, which also demonstrates some patterns. For example, the fact that the product does not change after changing the places of the factors: 4 × 6 = 6 × 4. Mark such "mirror" answers with a certain color - this will help to remember and not get confused when repeating.

It is better to start studying the Pythagorean table with the simplest and most understandable parts: multiplying by 1, 2, 5 and 10. When multiplying by one, the number remains unchanged, and multiplying by 2 gives us double the value. All answers to multiplication by 5 end either in 0 or 5. But multiplying by 10, in the answer we get a two-digit number from the digit that was multiplied and zero.
Table to consolidate the result

To consolidate the results, draw an empty Pythagorean table with the child and invite him to fill in the cells with the correct answers. To do this, you just need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. You need to draw a square and divide it into 10 parts vertically and horizontally. And then fill in the top line and the leftmost column with numbers from 1 to 9, skipping the first cell.
Of course, all children are individual and there is no universal recipe. The main task of a parent is to find an approach and support his child, because we all once started with such at the same time simple and complex steps.
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