Guy hid the camera on the bottom of the bucket with water. The result of the experiment surpassed all expectations!
Ninety one million five hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred twenty eight
Very often scientists place cameras in the woods to observe the life of wild animals. But sometimes animals can see them and avoid party places.
The website shows the reader an interesting video with animals taken from a very unusual angle.
Its author is John wells, who lives on a farm in Texas. The young man put the camera on the bottom of the bucket with water and was surprised to see that they have used a variety of animals and even insects!
via factroom.ru
Very often scientists place cameras in the woods to observe the life of wild animals. But sometimes animals can see them and avoid party places.
The website shows the reader an interesting video with animals taken from a very unusual angle.
Its author is John wells, who lives on a farm in Texas. The young man put the camera on the bottom of the bucket with water and was surprised to see that they have used a variety of animals and even insects!
via factroom.ru