As I changed money in the Bank, which is not friendly with logic
The other day I finally sold my car. Full price buyers decided for some reason to pay a thousand bills. Was such a chubby bundle, consisting entirely of the old rubles. Without thinking, I went to the nearest Bank to exchange my wad on a new five-thousandth bills.
— The girl Hello. Redeem this packet of notes thousandths to five thousand.
— Yes, of course. Commission is 1.5%.
— Wow! Nooo, I do not like.
I must admit I was taken aback, but after thinking, decided to propose the following:
What if I'll just put the money into your account, go out to smoke and come back and withdraw my five-thousandth bills? Will I be charged?
The girl is clearly upset and even a little inflated:
— No.
— Excellent! Then I want to Fund your account.
The money was put, immediately took the ticket, went out for a smoke, came back and took the full amount pyatitysyachnyj brand new crisp bills.
via factroom.ru
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