12 habits that help Chinese women to maintain youthfulness

Chinese women, as, indeed, all young ladies from South East Asia, has cemented the reputation of women who know the secrets of youth and beauty. Indeed, when you begin to live in China, try to determine the age of the woman turns into a kind of exciting game in which you still lose. 20-year-old look 13, 30-year-old — 18, 40-year-old... well, you guessed it.
What is the behavior of Chinese women differ from ours, what do they do that allows them to preserve the beauty and youth? Will share my observations.

Even in adulthood, the Chinese do not cease to wear bright colors and cute things.
- The Chinese spend very considerable sums of money to care for themselvesin a month, the amount can reach up to $ 300, and sometimes more. The Chinese cosmetics here not in honour, prefer Japanese or Korean brand. In the large shopping malls a huge selection of luxury European brands in China are much more expensive, than in Russia. Men to such spending are very quiet, if not to say positively.
- Since China — culture focused primarily on long-term relationships and marriage, not sex, that the Western concept of "sexuality" are replaced by "beauty". Beauty is primarily determined by facial features: large eyes, high nose, small mouth and, of course, light skin. "White color cancels three ugliness" — the Chinese saying goes, and what tricks do not go to Chinese women to remain or become white. Numerous means to protect from the sun, sun umbrellas, hats, and radical dark plastic face mask, a La welder — all this allows not only to maintain the white color face, but also to protect themselves from ultraviolet radiation. The fact that somewhere there are people who are willing to pay money to get a tan, head of the Chinese ladies just do not fit. Another way is bleach and beauty creams.

- As for body proportions, and Chinese women are not alien to international women's entertainment "I lose weight". While there is not ashamed to admit that you love to eat. That's just from the point of view of the Chinese, everything that is not skinny, then chubby. For example, girls with proportions Charlize Theron would be considered in the China largest ladies.
- But to be plump in China is not the problem — it's kinda cute. Another thing, if you call the Chinese "strong" — you risk to make enemies. At first I didn't understand why my friends called me puhlyavaya when, for example, I was doing strength exercises. My indignant "WHY?" I cautiously said, "Well, we don't want to call you "strong". It turned out that the concept of "full, plump" — it is feminine and sweet, almost a compliment. And to tell the woman that she is strong, is to call her mannish.
- Chinese girl needs to be cute, adorable — what we call mimimi, in English cute, and the Chinese — 可爱 that sounds like "Kai". This eternal little girl-Princess. In the Chinese view, this is achieved by using a large number of pastel colors special pink color (at any age), rhinestone (any age) and images of animals on clothing and accessories (at any age). From my point of view, the quintessence of the concept of kiinosti are Chinese cell phones. Such a riot of minimisethe women wear and 30 and 40 and 50.

- The day is sacred. Here, early to rise, early to bed and always try to sleep in the afternoon after lunch. All China Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. When arranging meetings, it does not designate the exact time and say "after lunch".
- To the question about food. Every Chinese knows what foods are "good for women" and at what time of the year. The food is "good for women", usually affects beauty and fertility. For example, it is the ginger, black sesame and jojoba. And the sugar they prefer unrefined black (not brown, just black).
- The Chinese are alien to the passion for chocolate and for sweets in General. As a snack then I prefer something salty or spicy. In General, they eat a lot of vegetables, a variety of greenery, which also contributes to a slim figure.
- Chinese women love to do selfies and post your photos in the Chinese social networks. Any model of the Chinese phone has a built-in camera filter that automatically corrects all the flaws, evens out skin tone, enhances and darkens the eye. And this, incidentally, is one of the reasons why Asian girls are known for their attractiveness.

All the girls of China know to get a good selfie, you have to hold your smartphone a little top and slightly tilt it.
- The top Chinese women are trying to close. The girl can be arbitrarily short skirt or shorts and no one will see anything wrong, while even the slightest cut can get even something out of the ordinary. Every self-respecting girl is "qipao" — a traditional Chinese dress, fully closed, but a sexy, slinky figure.

One restaurant in Jinan invented playful thing: gives you a 20% discount, if the distance between the knee and the bottom of the skirt in beauty is at least 8 cm. And if she dares to wear a skirt above the knee is 33 cm, the discount will be as much as 90 %.
- The second worst enemy after the sun from the point of view of Chinese women — it's cold in all its manifestations. The Chinese only drink hot water and in large quantities. Try not to shower and not eat ice cream during menstruation. And quite correct, the Chinese ladies do not eat ice cream. Never. For the same reason (fear to let the cold inside) after giving birth, I was told that many Chinese women during the month not take a shower, and wash only with water infused with ginger because it warms.
- Well, perhaps the most interesting custom of Chinese women zuo yue zi — 坐月子. The mother of a newborn baby within one month after birth, almost all the time stays in bed. She never goes anywhere, wrapped in the warm clothing. The child is cared for either her mother or her husband's family (mother and sister), or hired a special person. It is believed that during childbirth a woman loses a enormous amount of energy. But if she will relax throughout the month, you can not only recover, but to cure the diseases suffered prior to birth.

And finally: the beauty of Chinese contributes a lot to the fact that they feel attractive and feminine. Primarily because of the attitudes of men. Where I've been, but perhaps even such a caring and reverent attitude of men to women in China, are not met.
Masha Pipenko specifically for the Website
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