Three Buddhist "noble truths" leading to enlightenment
Many people think that to change your life is not so simple. But in fact, it is enough to observe three Buddhist rules! The website shares with the reader the real "gems" of Buddhist philosophy.
Dukkha: Life is painful thing, causing suffering to the Most people in Europe absolutely incorrectly interprets well-known dogma of Buddhism is "Life is suffering". In fact, this expression should be understood as follows: "Life is not too pleasant and gentle. Just deal with it".
Supporters of Buddhism say that the person is experiencing tremendous part of their suffering because it seeks to avoid mental torment and suppresses your emotions. Throughout life, you experience negative feelings: sadness, anxiety, boredom, fatigue, pain from loss. And many people want to get rid of them, using drugs or alcohol, committing reckless spending, but thereby they only more immersed in the abyss of despair and dissatisfaction with his life.
Do not think that you are lacking something for the feeling of happiness. All your suffering, all the pain, and even death — it's just pieces of the puzzle of your life. Accept your life for what it is, and strive not to create fantasies. Should stop believing that an ideal life is solid entertainment and idleness. If you understand the imperfection of life as early as possible, you will experience much less suffering and disappointments and less painful to respond to you comprehend failure in life.
Anitya: Life is constant movement Anitya is impermanence, which means that our life is in constant motion. It is impossible to go back in time, it is impossible to relive yesterday, and even our future is only an illusion. Waking up every morning, you change and become not the same as it was yesterday. All around you and you yourself (your body cells, your thoughts) — everything changes, even if you don't notice.
Man believes that everything is changing and nothing is permanent does not exist, and therefore believes that the black strip in life must one day end. But if a person feels joy and happiness, it is hoped that this condition will last as long as possible. However, happiness had to end sometime, so you need to get from him maximum pleasure. Understand that everything you have in life is only the moment.
Try to celebrate the change. All the negative that has happened to you, will soon be forgotten, and good ones will linger in your memory just in case, if you are going to enjoy it. Owning a trendy gadget can make you happy only for a few days, while the joy of communicating with loved ones will be repeated from day to day.
Anatma: You are constantly changing somehow, all the people believe in the existence of their permanent and true self. But what is it and where is it located? This question is impossible to give a definite answer.
According to Buddhist philosophy, in man there is no stable "I". People change every day, his personality is developing quite quickly. Of course, each person has his job, a profession, a name, a body, that is all what he seems to be "fixes" itself. You will not remain the same, if not applied earlier efforts, but your life will never change if you repeat the same actions, not trying to change something.
Don't focus on finding the self. Create yourself in every specific period of time, then you can change at any time. If today you are sad, it does not mean that you will always be. If you are able to retreat from the search for self, you will be able to enjoy the present. Anyway, tomorrow your life will be different.
via factroom.ru

Dukkha: Life is painful thing, causing suffering to the Most people in Europe absolutely incorrectly interprets well-known dogma of Buddhism is "Life is suffering". In fact, this expression should be understood as follows: "Life is not too pleasant and gentle. Just deal with it".
Supporters of Buddhism say that the person is experiencing tremendous part of their suffering because it seeks to avoid mental torment and suppresses your emotions. Throughout life, you experience negative feelings: sadness, anxiety, boredom, fatigue, pain from loss. And many people want to get rid of them, using drugs or alcohol, committing reckless spending, but thereby they only more immersed in the abyss of despair and dissatisfaction with his life.
Do not think that you are lacking something for the feeling of happiness. All your suffering, all the pain, and even death — it's just pieces of the puzzle of your life. Accept your life for what it is, and strive not to create fantasies. Should stop believing that an ideal life is solid entertainment and idleness. If you understand the imperfection of life as early as possible, you will experience much less suffering and disappointments and less painful to respond to you comprehend failure in life.
Anitya: Life is constant movement Anitya is impermanence, which means that our life is in constant motion. It is impossible to go back in time, it is impossible to relive yesterday, and even our future is only an illusion. Waking up every morning, you change and become not the same as it was yesterday. All around you and you yourself (your body cells, your thoughts) — everything changes, even if you don't notice.
Man believes that everything is changing and nothing is permanent does not exist, and therefore believes that the black strip in life must one day end. But if a person feels joy and happiness, it is hoped that this condition will last as long as possible. However, happiness had to end sometime, so you need to get from him maximum pleasure. Understand that everything you have in life is only the moment.
Try to celebrate the change. All the negative that has happened to you, will soon be forgotten, and good ones will linger in your memory just in case, if you are going to enjoy it. Owning a trendy gadget can make you happy only for a few days, while the joy of communicating with loved ones will be repeated from day to day.
Anatma: You are constantly changing somehow, all the people believe in the existence of their permanent and true self. But what is it and where is it located? This question is impossible to give a definite answer.
According to Buddhist philosophy, in man there is no stable "I". People change every day, his personality is developing quite quickly. Of course, each person has his job, a profession, a name, a body, that is all what he seems to be "fixes" itself. You will not remain the same, if not applied earlier efforts, but your life will never change if you repeat the same actions, not trying to change something.
Don't focus on finding the self. Create yourself in every specific period of time, then you can change at any time. If today you are sad, it does not mean that you will always be. If you are able to retreat from the search for self, you will be able to enjoy the present. Anyway, tomorrow your life will be different.
via factroom.ru