New technology wireless power transmission works as a Wi-Fi
Today's smartphones, tablets, laptops and other portable devices have huge capacity and performance. But, besides all advantages of mobile electronics, it has a downside – the constant need for charging cords. Despite all the new technology batteries, this reduces the need convenience devices and restricts their movement.
Scientists in American Research laboratories Disney (Disney Research) have found a solution to this problem. They developed a method of wireless charging, making unnecessary wires and chargers. Moreover, their method allows to simultaneously charge not only gadgets, but also, for example, appliances and lighting.
"Our innovative method makes the electric current in the same ubiquitous as Wi-Fi, says one of the Directors of the laboratory and its leading research specialist Alencon Sample. — It opens the way for further developments in the field of robotics, the previously limited capacity of the battery. While we have demonstrated the operation of the installation in a small room, but there are no obstacles to increase its capacity to the size of the warehouse".
The system of wireless transmission of electricity was developed in the 1890-ies of the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, but mass distribution of the invention are not received. Current systems transmit power without wires mainly work in extremely confined spaces.
The method, called the quasi-static cavity resonance (cavity resonance is quasistatic, QSCR) is the flow of current in the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. They, in turn, generate magnetic fields that affect is connected to rechargeable device, the receiver containing the coil. Thus generated electricity is transferred to the battery, previously passed through excluding the impact of other fields of capacitors.
Tests have shown that in this way via the usual mains you can transfer up to 1.9 kilowatts of power. This energy is enough to simultaneously charge up to 320 smartphones. Moreover, according to scientists, this technology is not expensive and can be easily established its commercial release.
The tests took place in a specially designed aluminum construction of room of size 5 by 5 meters. Semple said that in the future the presence of a metal wall may not be required. It will be possible to use a conductive panel, or a special paint.
The developers claim that their method of transmitting energy through the air poses no threat to human health and any other living beings. Their security is provided by discrete capacitors, which act as an insulator for potentially dangerous electric fields. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/technology/2101-video-novaya-tekhnologiya-besprovodnoj-peredachi-energii-rabotaet-kak-wi-fi.html

Scientists in American Research laboratories Disney (Disney Research) have found a solution to this problem. They developed a method of wireless charging, making unnecessary wires and chargers. Moreover, their method allows to simultaneously charge not only gadgets, but also, for example, appliances and lighting.
"Our innovative method makes the electric current in the same ubiquitous as Wi-Fi, says one of the Directors of the laboratory and its leading research specialist Alencon Sample. — It opens the way for further developments in the field of robotics, the previously limited capacity of the battery. While we have demonstrated the operation of the installation in a small room, but there are no obstacles to increase its capacity to the size of the warehouse".

The system of wireless transmission of electricity was developed in the 1890-ies of the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, but mass distribution of the invention are not received. Current systems transmit power without wires mainly work in extremely confined spaces.
The method, called the quasi-static cavity resonance (cavity resonance is quasistatic, QSCR) is the flow of current in the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. They, in turn, generate magnetic fields that affect is connected to rechargeable device, the receiver containing the coil. Thus generated electricity is transferred to the battery, previously passed through excluding the impact of other fields of capacitors.
Tests have shown that in this way via the usual mains you can transfer up to 1.9 kilowatts of power. This energy is enough to simultaneously charge up to 320 smartphones. Moreover, according to scientists, this technology is not expensive and can be easily established its commercial release.
The tests took place in a specially designed aluminum construction of room of size 5 by 5 meters. Semple said that in the future the presence of a metal wall may not be required. It will be possible to use a conductive panel, or a special paint.
The developers claim that their method of transmitting energy through the air poses no threat to human health and any other living beings. Their security is provided by discrete capacitors, which act as an insulator for potentially dangerous electric fields. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/technology/2101-video-novaya-tekhnologiya-besprovodnoj-peredachi-energii-rabotaet-kak-wi-fi.html