Barber showed how a haircut changes a man. Even the homeless

Stylist mark Bustos (Mark Bustos) every Sunday go out and make a free haircuts to the homeless.
The website, inspired by the act Brand, wants to tell the world about his main goal: to make the world a little kinder.
On your one day off mark Bustos roams the city in search of those who are in need of a haircut. His regular "clients" — a homeless and poor people. When he sees the right person, then said to him a simple phrase: "I want to do something nice for you today".
The average one Sunday mark cuts six needy, trying to give some hope for the opportunity to correct their own lives, left with nothing. Everyone deserves a second chance, right?
His works and stories of the people he shares in your account Instagram.
A tradition Mark has appeared since then, when he went to the Philippines to visit family in 2012. There he bought a chair from an old Barber shop and was doing free haircuts for children from poor families.
"You know, the feeling was so delicious that I decided to bring this positive energy back to new York," says mark.
To do haircuts to homeless people and to share with everyone their story has become a tradition. Even during trips to Jamaica, Costa Rica and in Los Angeles he continued to go every Sunday to the street in search of a new "client".
One day, walking with his girlfriend, mark saw a man who offered to change it. When young people asked him what food he prefers, the answer was: "no one ever asked Me what I wanted to eat. I usually only get the leftovers".
"We often pass by people who can help and make it very simple," says stylist.
"But his name is Jemar banks (Jemar Banks) when I was cutting and even when offered to eat, he was silent all the time. After the work on its appearance was complete, I gave him a mirror. Jamar said only one sentence: "do You know anyone who will give me a job?"" — with a smile remembers mark.
"There is a reason why I polled people on the street and not in your salon. I want people passing by and could inspire them to do good deeds. I do this through what you do, they can do good otherwise. Even a simple smile can change everything" — said Marc Bastos.
Source huffingtonpost
Photos on the preview markbustos
According to the materials markbustos
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