What reasons can mimic or cause back pain
1. Degenerative changes (e.g. arthritic conditions) in the hip joint can cause pain in the thigh, which is distributed in the groin, in the region of the sacroiliac joint and lower back.
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2. Trochanteric bursitis usually visualbell in the thigh.
3. Syndrome articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae (articular surface) can cause pain in the buttocks and the sacroiliac joint and in the thigh, on the front surface.
4. Ovarian cysts, fibroids and endometriosis can sometimes cause pain in the hip and sacroiliac joint.
5. Inflammation or dysfunction of the fallopian tubes can cause pain in the sacroiliac joint due to the fact that the supporting ligament of the fallopian tube is attached to the front surface of the sacroiliac joint.
6. Acute renal pain.In the side region from the lower rib to the iliac crest and the upper front iliac spine, you may receive the deep intense pain that does not change when moving or when you change position. An additional cause may be activation of abdominal trigger points.
7. The pain, which is very similar to acute dysfunction of the thoracic and lumbar spine, can bethe result of the presence of stones in the ureter (renal colic).
8. Acute pancreatitis. Along with the sharp stabbing abdominal pain marked pain in the lower thoracic spine, radiating down. In the lower parts of the chest can occur spasmodic pains.
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9.Almost all pathological conditions of the abdominal organs(such as stomach ulcers, colon cancer, ischemic bowel disease) can cause back pain. Therefore, all the other symptoms, particularly relating to the digestive system, should be evaluated with musculoskeletal manifestations. It is necessary to consider viscerosomatic pain, especially if the pain and symptoms associated with pathology of internal organs, on the same time.
10. Hiatal hernia (diaphragmatic hernia) usually accompanied by bilateral pain in the thoracic spine and shoulder.
11. Vaddell (1998) believes that cauda equina syndrome (related to the bundle of thin nerves at end of spinal cord) and/or common neurological disorders presumably, if the patient is suffering from lower back pain, notes the difficulties when urinating (urgency, frequent urination, from time to time inability to urinate) and/or fecal incontinence. Around the anus, perineum or genitals can be formed saddle-shaped region, where there is no sensitivity Can be observed and related motor weakness in the lower extremities and gait disturbance. If you experience any of these syndromes requires an immediate call an expert.
12. Lower back pain can be a symptom of systemic diseases in which pain is the primary feature, for example fibromyalgia, when the body plays the role of a palliative treatment.
13. You might suspect ankylosing spondylitis or another chronic inflammatory disease, if the clinic is low back pain develops before the age of 40 years (usually men) slow, but progressive, especially when there is a family history; there is an extreme degree of rigidity in the morning; a constant stiffness in all movements of the spine, pain and limited mobility in peripheral joints. Also may include associated colitis, iritis and/or changes in the skin, such as psoriasis.
14. A patient with anginal pain usually otmechali in the chest, anterior neck and in the upper (usually left) limb.
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Pathology of the articular surfaces of the thoracic vertebrae or discs, and the activity of trigger points can mimic angina. Factors that exacerbate or relieve symptoms, usually, can give the key to understanding whether this state of heart, or clinic caused by biomechanical reasons.
15. Dysfunction or disease of the gallbladder the pain usually radiates to srednesrochnoi Department on one or both sides, in the shoulder or the angle of the scapula on the same side.
16.Pain in the sacroiliac region and right buttock may be called perforation of the ileum during regional ileite (Crohn's disease).
17. Intense pain in the lower back (which may radiate to the testicle)may be associated with an aneurysm in a state preceding its rupture.
18. If the patient has a background of coronary artery pathology, the lungs or bronchi, can occur varicose veins of vertebrates, which causes undefined pains in the back.
19. Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease) problemsimpotence may ache, but may be asymptomatic. For confirmation of the diagnosis requires fine needle biopsy.
20. Thread, which ends the Dura (terminal thread) can be damaged as the result of tension, especially in adolescent period of rapid growth, accompanied by the clinic for back pain.published
Author: Leon Chaitow
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_7483
Six million six hundred fifty two thousand six hundred forty seven
2. Trochanteric bursitis usually visualbell in the thigh.
3. Syndrome articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae (articular surface) can cause pain in the buttocks and the sacroiliac joint and in the thigh, on the front surface.
4. Ovarian cysts, fibroids and endometriosis can sometimes cause pain in the hip and sacroiliac joint.
5. Inflammation or dysfunction of the fallopian tubes can cause pain in the sacroiliac joint due to the fact that the supporting ligament of the fallopian tube is attached to the front surface of the sacroiliac joint.
6. Acute renal pain.In the side region from the lower rib to the iliac crest and the upper front iliac spine, you may receive the deep intense pain that does not change when moving or when you change position. An additional cause may be activation of abdominal trigger points.
7. The pain, which is very similar to acute dysfunction of the thoracic and lumbar spine, can bethe result of the presence of stones in the ureter (renal colic).
8. Acute pancreatitis. Along with the sharp stabbing abdominal pain marked pain in the lower thoracic spine, radiating down. In the lower parts of the chest can occur spasmodic pains.
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9.Almost all pathological conditions of the abdominal organs(such as stomach ulcers, colon cancer, ischemic bowel disease) can cause back pain. Therefore, all the other symptoms, particularly relating to the digestive system, should be evaluated with musculoskeletal manifestations. It is necessary to consider viscerosomatic pain, especially if the pain and symptoms associated with pathology of internal organs, on the same time.
10. Hiatal hernia (diaphragmatic hernia) usually accompanied by bilateral pain in the thoracic spine and shoulder.
11. Vaddell (1998) believes that cauda equina syndrome (related to the bundle of thin nerves at end of spinal cord) and/or common neurological disorders presumably, if the patient is suffering from lower back pain, notes the difficulties when urinating (urgency, frequent urination, from time to time inability to urinate) and/or fecal incontinence. Around the anus, perineum or genitals can be formed saddle-shaped region, where there is no sensitivity Can be observed and related motor weakness in the lower extremities and gait disturbance. If you experience any of these syndromes requires an immediate call an expert.
12. Lower back pain can be a symptom of systemic diseases in which pain is the primary feature, for example fibromyalgia, when the body plays the role of a palliative treatment.
13. You might suspect ankylosing spondylitis or another chronic inflammatory disease, if the clinic is low back pain develops before the age of 40 years (usually men) slow, but progressive, especially when there is a family history; there is an extreme degree of rigidity in the morning; a constant stiffness in all movements of the spine, pain and limited mobility in peripheral joints. Also may include associated colitis, iritis and/or changes in the skin, such as psoriasis.
14. A patient with anginal pain usually otmechali in the chest, anterior neck and in the upper (usually left) limb.
Twenty million six hundred twenty thousand eight hundred twenty four
Pathology of the articular surfaces of the thoracic vertebrae or discs, and the activity of trigger points can mimic angina. Factors that exacerbate or relieve symptoms, usually, can give the key to understanding whether this state of heart, or clinic caused by biomechanical reasons.
15. Dysfunction or disease of the gallbladder the pain usually radiates to srednesrochnoi Department on one or both sides, in the shoulder or the angle of the scapula on the same side.
16.Pain in the sacroiliac region and right buttock may be called perforation of the ileum during regional ileite (Crohn's disease).
17. Intense pain in the lower back (which may radiate to the testicle)may be associated with an aneurysm in a state preceding its rupture.
18. If the patient has a background of coronary artery pathology, the lungs or bronchi, can occur varicose veins of vertebrates, which causes undefined pains in the back.
19. Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease) problemsimpotence may ache, but may be asymptomatic. For confirmation of the diagnosis requires fine needle biopsy.
20. Thread, which ends the Dura (terminal thread) can be damaged as the result of tension, especially in adolescent period of rapid growth, accompanied by the clinic for back pain.published
Author: Leon Chaitow
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_7483