What is the weight of prayer
What is the weight of prayer? One of my friends once tried to find the answer to this question, but still lost in conjectures. Although one day search it was nearly successful...
At that time he was the owner of a small grocery shop on the West side in new York. Was 1918; Christmas approached. About a week before the holiday, the store looked tired woman. She wanted to cook the kids a Christmas dinner, but money for food she had, and she asked the shopkeeper for help.
– What do you have? he asked.
– My husband died in the war, ' replied the woman. I have nothing to offer but a prayer.
In those years my friend nor particularly sentimental. It is understandable, because the store is not a flophouse.
– Write a prayer – he muttered, and began to serve another customer.
To his surprise, the woman took out a neatly folded piece of paper, carefully unfolded it and handed it across the counter:
– Here it is. I recorded it last night. Daughter was sick and I couldn't sleep.
Not quite knowing what to do next, the dealer automatically took the note and immediately regretted it. Now what to do with it? What can I say? Suddenly it dawned on him. Without even looking at the contents of a piece, he put it on a bowl of old-fashioned weights and said, "Now we know how much weight your prayer!"
He put on opposite the Cup, a loaf of bread. Incredibly, the bowl did not fall! Not dropped it and when it is added to bread another bundle, then another and another...
He had to get rid of this woman, because the store has already gathered a lot of people! The Cup did not fall. The shopkeeper turned red, his face transformed into a cold sweat...
Finally he said, "Well, all this is nothing will not fit. Here's a bag. Take it!" – and turned away.
With tears in his eyes, the woman took the bag and started to put in her products. The shopkeeper tried not to look at her, but to his misfortune, the package that he gave her, was quite large, and all those present it was clear that it was still abound.
Without a word, the dealer laid out on the counter a large head of cheese. And if he even for a second, softened, and looked at a woman, they would be rewarded with a timid smile, and her eyes would read the expression deepest gratitude.
God speaks to us in the language of our senses
People living half-heartedly
The woman left, and the shopkeeper rushed to check the balance of which has just successfully served the previous buyer. The scales were broken. How and when did this happen, he did not understand.
My friend had never met this woman. Not she appeared in his shop and after. But before the end of his days he remembered it much better than any other woman ever pristupovych the threshold of his shop. And all his life he kept to himself the piece of paper with the simple words of prayer: "our daily Bread give us this day".published
Source: mon-sofia.livejournal.com/2164714.html
At that time he was the owner of a small grocery shop on the West side in new York. Was 1918; Christmas approached. About a week before the holiday, the store looked tired woman. She wanted to cook the kids a Christmas dinner, but money for food she had, and she asked the shopkeeper for help.

– What do you have? he asked.
– My husband died in the war, ' replied the woman. I have nothing to offer but a prayer.
In those years my friend nor particularly sentimental. It is understandable, because the store is not a flophouse.
– Write a prayer – he muttered, and began to serve another customer.
To his surprise, the woman took out a neatly folded piece of paper, carefully unfolded it and handed it across the counter:
– Here it is. I recorded it last night. Daughter was sick and I couldn't sleep.
Not quite knowing what to do next, the dealer automatically took the note and immediately regretted it. Now what to do with it? What can I say? Suddenly it dawned on him. Without even looking at the contents of a piece, he put it on a bowl of old-fashioned weights and said, "Now we know how much weight your prayer!"
He put on opposite the Cup, a loaf of bread. Incredibly, the bowl did not fall! Not dropped it and when it is added to bread another bundle, then another and another...
He had to get rid of this woman, because the store has already gathered a lot of people! The Cup did not fall. The shopkeeper turned red, his face transformed into a cold sweat...
Finally he said, "Well, all this is nothing will not fit. Here's a bag. Take it!" – and turned away.
With tears in his eyes, the woman took the bag and started to put in her products. The shopkeeper tried not to look at her, but to his misfortune, the package that he gave her, was quite large, and all those present it was clear that it was still abound.
Without a word, the dealer laid out on the counter a large head of cheese. And if he even for a second, softened, and looked at a woman, they would be rewarded with a timid smile, and her eyes would read the expression deepest gratitude.
God speaks to us in the language of our senses
People living half-heartedly
The woman left, and the shopkeeper rushed to check the balance of which has just successfully served the previous buyer. The scales were broken. How and when did this happen, he did not understand.
My friend had never met this woman. Not she appeared in his shop and after. But before the end of his days he remembered it much better than any other woman ever pristupovych the threshold of his shop. And all his life he kept to himself the piece of paper with the simple words of prayer: "our daily Bread give us this day".published
Source: mon-sofia.livejournal.com/2164714.html