That looked like the most ancient everyday objects
Fifty one million eight hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred forty four
We use new technologies and often do not think that many everyday things have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Site review was the most ancient instances are familiar to us things extant. It is possible that some of these items could appear much before the specified dates.
Oldest socks (1,500 years)
These Egyptian wool socks, designed to be worn with sandals, made between 300 and 499 ad and found in the XIX century.
The oldest written recipe (5,000 years)
There's a Sumerian beer recipe Dating back to 3000 BC, Beer has been very strong, with chunks floating in it bread.
Oldest sunglasses (800 years)
These glasses are found in Canada on Baffin island. They were intended to protect the eyes from the glare of the sunlight reflected from the snow.
The oldest sculpture of a man (35000-40000 years)
It is a sculpture of Venus from the cave of Hole-Fels, Germany. Scientists believe that the unknown sculptor carved this expressive figure of a woman from a mammoth Tusk.
The oldest Shoe (5,500 years)
This right moccasin (left and not found) cowhide was discovered in a cave in Armenia. Preserved by grass and dry sheep dung.
The oldest pants (3,300 years)
The pants were found in Western China. They are made of woolen fabric and decorated with complex patterns. Probably the pants belonged to someone of Asian nomads.
The oldest brassiere (500 years)
This bra was worn in Austria in 1390-1485. Despite the fact that it is the oldest surviving bras, in the annals there are more early "bags for the Breasts".
Oldest purse (4,500 years)
The purse was found on the territory of Germany. For thousands of years leather and fabric from which it was made, was destroyed. Remained only the dog's teeth, which probably served as a purse decoration and protection.
The oldest prosthetic (3,000 years)
According to scientific research, these wooden toes used for walking, not for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to them people could not only move freely, but also to wear the sandals were the main footwear in Ancient Egypt.
The oldest condom (370 years)
This reusable sheepskin condom was used in the 1600's in Sweden. To have survived instruction in Latin, in which the product is recommended to clean with warm milk to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
The earliest flush toilets (2,000 years)
In ancient Ephesus was flushing public toilets. Running water under the seats carried the sewage into the nearest river.
The oldest chewing gum (5,000 years)
The oldest known piece of chewing gum is the fossilized resin of birch found in Finland. Probably it was used for the treatment of oral cavity infections or as a glue, for example, for the broken pottery.
The oldest musical instrument (40,000 years)
This bone flute c in the South of Germany. The first musical instruments were made by ancient people from bones of birds and mammoth tusks. There is an opinion that music is allowed to take advantage of Homo sapiens over the Neanderthals.
The oldest recorded melody (3,400 years)
This written melody was found in an ancient city-state of Ugarit (in modern-day southern Syria). Music written for Lyra to the glory of the wife of the Moon God.
The oldest coin (2,700 years)
The oldest of the currently known coins was discovered within the ancient Hellenic city Ephesos (Ephesus) in Turkey. It was made of an alloy of gold and silver carved with a lion's head with one hand.
The oldest globe (510 years)
This globe has been assembled from the wide parts of two ostrich eggs. On the surface of a sphere plotted maps of the Old and New world. Scientists believe that the globe was made in Florence, perhaps even in the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci.
Photos on the preview wikimedia.org,
According to the materials of Bored Panda
See also
Persons who know the ancient art of sleep-fu
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-marazmy/lyudi-postigshie-drevnee-iskusstvo-son-fu-873760/
We use new technologies and often do not think that many everyday things have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Site review was the most ancient instances are familiar to us things extant. It is possible that some of these items could appear much before the specified dates.
Oldest socks (1,500 years)

These Egyptian wool socks, designed to be worn with sandals, made between 300 and 499 ad and found in the XIX century.
The oldest written recipe (5,000 years)

There's a Sumerian beer recipe Dating back to 3000 BC, Beer has been very strong, with chunks floating in it bread.
Oldest sunglasses (800 years)

These glasses are found in Canada on Baffin island. They were intended to protect the eyes from the glare of the sunlight reflected from the snow.
The oldest sculpture of a man (35000-40000 years)

It is a sculpture of Venus from the cave of Hole-Fels, Germany. Scientists believe that the unknown sculptor carved this expressive figure of a woman from a mammoth Tusk.
The oldest Shoe (5,500 years)

This right moccasin (left and not found) cowhide was discovered in a cave in Armenia. Preserved by grass and dry sheep dung.
The oldest pants (3,300 years)

The pants were found in Western China. They are made of woolen fabric and decorated with complex patterns. Probably the pants belonged to someone of Asian nomads.
The oldest brassiere (500 years)

This bra was worn in Austria in 1390-1485. Despite the fact that it is the oldest surviving bras, in the annals there are more early "bags for the Breasts".
Oldest purse (4,500 years)

The purse was found on the territory of Germany. For thousands of years leather and fabric from which it was made, was destroyed. Remained only the dog's teeth, which probably served as a purse decoration and protection.
The oldest prosthetic (3,000 years)

According to scientific research, these wooden toes used for walking, not for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to them people could not only move freely, but also to wear the sandals were the main footwear in Ancient Egypt.
The oldest condom (370 years)

This reusable sheepskin condom was used in the 1600's in Sweden. To have survived instruction in Latin, in which the product is recommended to clean with warm milk to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
The earliest flush toilets (2,000 years)

In ancient Ephesus was flushing public toilets. Running water under the seats carried the sewage into the nearest river.
The oldest chewing gum (5,000 years)

The oldest known piece of chewing gum is the fossilized resin of birch found in Finland. Probably it was used for the treatment of oral cavity infections or as a glue, for example, for the broken pottery.
The oldest musical instrument (40,000 years)

This bone flute c in the South of Germany. The first musical instruments were made by ancient people from bones of birds and mammoth tusks. There is an opinion that music is allowed to take advantage of Homo sapiens over the Neanderthals.
The oldest recorded melody (3,400 years)

This written melody was found in an ancient city-state of Ugarit (in modern-day southern Syria). Music written for Lyra to the glory of the wife of the Moon God.
The oldest coin (2,700 years)

The oldest of the currently known coins was discovered within the ancient Hellenic city Ephesos (Ephesus) in Turkey. It was made of an alloy of gold and silver carved with a lion's head with one hand.
The oldest globe (510 years)

This globe has been assembled from the wide parts of two ostrich eggs. On the surface of a sphere plotted maps of the Old and New world. Scientists believe that the globe was made in Florence, perhaps even in the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci.
Photos on the preview wikimedia.org,
According to the materials of Bored Panda
See also
Persons who know the ancient art of sleep-fu
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-marazmy/lyudi-postigshie-drevnee-iskusstvo-son-fu-873760/
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