In France took to the air electric helicopter Volta
Volta — electric prototype of this helicopter was developed by the National school of civil aviation (ENAC) and Aquinea. Contains a lithium ion battery weighing about 150 pounds. Battery charge is enough for 20 minutes of hovering in the air or from 25 to 30 minute flight. The maximum speed of ministerosalute is 150 km/h, cruising — 70 km/h.
If you visit the website of the brand, will get on heat pumps and accessories for swimming pools. However, this is the same company that developed the helicopter, at the initiative of Philippe Antoine"We have created Aquinea, which is a reputable company in order to Fund our work. All profits donated to the project Volta, "says Phillip, an engineer for a large aerospace company and Manager of Toulouse Aquinea.
The construction of this first prototype took 3 years and now the company is ready to take the next step: design and construction of Volta 2, an electric two-seat helicopter designed for pilot training and recreational aviation. It is expected that the new model will be capable of 55-minute flight. published
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Source: www.electromobile360.ru/2016/10/volta.html

If you visit the website of the brand, will get on heat pumps and accessories for swimming pools. However, this is the same company that developed the helicopter, at the initiative of Philippe Antoine"We have created Aquinea, which is a reputable company in order to Fund our work. All profits donated to the project Volta, "says Phillip, an engineer for a large aerospace company and Manager of Toulouse Aquinea.

The construction of this first prototype took 3 years and now the company is ready to take the next step: design and construction of Volta 2, an electric two-seat helicopter designed for pilot training and recreational aviation. It is expected that the new model will be capable of 55-minute flight. published
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement . Put LIKES and share with your FRIENDS! www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Source: www.electromobile360.ru/2016/10/volta.html
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