Adidas MiCoach Elite MLS: smart look at the football

Program Adidas MiCoach familiar to mobile phone owners who care about their health and do sports. This application helps to control many aspects of training, advice and stores information about all actions. And in 2013, Adidas is planning to launch a joint project with the MLS (major soccer League in USA).
Adidas for several years all the forces promoting its clever system of training Adidas MiCoach. She even has special shoes released in order to gather detailed statistics about the actions of the athlete. But in the near future a range of sporting goods, working in "cooperation" with this system, noticeable increase. And its scope will expand and football.

Adidas have even signed a contract with the football League to the MLS for cooperation. Under this agreement, all nineteen teams in this football League of the United States will be equipped with sets of special devices, clinging to each player.
During the match, these devices will be transmitted online to a Central computer, a wealth of data about the player and his actions, including his speed, heart rate, position on the field, the force of hitting the ball, acceleration and many other parameters of performance. And process all of this information will of course be the program Adidas MiCoach Elite.

So the coach and medical team will be right during a match to have the maximum idea about the physical condition of the player and his efficiency on the field. The speed of data transmission device from Adidas will be 200 indicators in a second.
For the first time this technology from Adidas will appear on the football field today, July 25. In Philadelphia held an exhibition match in which a team of MLS stars will play the winner of the UEFA Champions League 2011-2012 — football club Chelsea.
Source: /users/78
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