China is the world's leading wind power

China's development is unstoppable! Celestial Empire is doing everything to ensure that in the very near future become a country with the largest economy in the world. And by many measures this government has already surpassed his main rival for the leadership – United States of America. For example, now China overtakes US in number of produced wind energy power plants.
The Chinese leadership understands that for the stable growth of the economy and need to keep up with him stable growth of resources, including energy. That's because this country has invested huge amounts of money and effort in the development of alternative sources of energy. For example, a few weeks ago in China was put into operation the largest hydropower station in the world – the Three Gorges. And recently it became known that China had overtaken the United States according to the power working in the country's wind turbines.

Just six years ago, in 2006, around the huge China, the windmills have generated only 2,000 megawatts/year of energy. But over the past few years China has made a huge jump in their "green" future. In 2012, the country already produces 52580 megawatts, an increase amounted to as much as 96 percent!
Moreover, the people's Republic of China has no plans to slow down in this growth. In 2010, the country adopted the state programme of support of wind energy, according to which the industry annually invests and will invest tens of billions of dollars.

China has bold plans to increase by 2020 year the amount of generated wind energy of up to 200 million megawatts per year. Now, every second produced windmill in the world – the Chinese. In the future this statistic, apparently, will be even more shifted in favor of China. This country seriously wants to become a world leader in all respects. But leadership is not only an honour, but also an example of how to operate others for achieving success.
Source: /users/78
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