Mystic rock Hvitserkur

On the coast of Iceland Gulf of Huna froze into immobility mystical stone creature, which in the last rays of the sun seem more than alive. Stone monster locals call Hvitserkur, which means "white shirt" — that is the impression hundreds of white birds huddling in the afternoon on this amazing rock.
Actually, a rock is the remains of an ancient volcano, which gradually collapse and disappear, wash away by the waves. To somehow prolong the existence of this amazing sights, local from time to time to strengthen its base with cement.

Pointed rock itself is relatively small — up to a height of 15 meters, but it is small size allows shore to confuse it with a huge dog, wild boar or something similar and not less unnatural.
Especially evocative paintings can be seen at sunset — low light completely blurs the line between reality and imagination.
At such moments, rock Hvitserkur most like a huge monster who decided to quench his immense thirst. As there is a rock in Iceland, here you can watch the beautiful effect of the Northern lights, also giving it an interesting paint.

Source: /users/104