Singles in the tundra
All tend to think that every year the lemmings gather in huge flocks and rush all together, aimlessly. In fact, these animals prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle. Norwegian lemmings also prefer this way of life.
The body length of the Norwegian lemming (Lemmus lemmus) usually reaches 15 cm and a weight of 50 grams. Animal has a mottled coloration from nose to shoulder blades stretches a bright black spot, the rest of the back is yellowish-brown. Lemmings are loners. Only in the winter to escape the cold they sometimes gather together in one nest. Yes, some females live with their cubs. All the rest of the lemmings alone move randomly in search of food.
The day a lemming can eat twice more than it weighs itself. For the year – about 50 kilograms of plant food. It is not surprising that these rodents sometimes eat entire vegetation in your habitat.
The main mystery of lemmings – their periodic migration. Every 3-4 years the lemmings, first, greatly multiply, and secondly, start your mysterious run. They have no purpose to settle and find a new site for life – lemmings don't stop and begin to build nests in areas where enough feed and enough members of their own species. Many animals are dying in rivers and lakes, trying to cross them (they just move through the water obstacles and do not rush them to commit suicide). What attracts them is a mystery.
Inhabits the Norwegian lemming is the most difficult place to live – tundra or forest-tundra, which Norway has in abundance. If not for this rodent, Arctic foxes and owls would have to be tight – they simply have nothing to eat.
Source: /users/155

The body length of the Norwegian lemming (Lemmus lemmus) usually reaches 15 cm and a weight of 50 grams. Animal has a mottled coloration from nose to shoulder blades stretches a bright black spot, the rest of the back is yellowish-brown. Lemmings are loners. Only in the winter to escape the cold they sometimes gather together in one nest. Yes, some females live with their cubs. All the rest of the lemmings alone move randomly in search of food.

The day a lemming can eat twice more than it weighs itself. For the year – about 50 kilograms of plant food. It is not surprising that these rodents sometimes eat entire vegetation in your habitat.

The main mystery of lemmings – their periodic migration. Every 3-4 years the lemmings, first, greatly multiply, and secondly, start your mysterious run. They have no purpose to settle and find a new site for life – lemmings don't stop and begin to build nests in areas where enough feed and enough members of their own species. Many animals are dying in rivers and lakes, trying to cross them (they just move through the water obstacles and do not rush them to commit suicide). What attracts them is a mystery.

Inhabits the Norwegian lemming is the most difficult place to live – tundra or forest-tundra, which Norway has in abundance. If not for this rodent, Arctic foxes and owls would have to be tight – they simply have nothing to eat.
Source: /users/155