FREE City is a Mexican city of the future

In our time, the emergence of a new settlement can't happen by accident. This process is to start to be well thought out by economists, politicians and designers. Dreams of many generations of philosophers and architects of the ideal city, it seems, may soon become a reality. And one of the projects, claiming the title of "city of the future was presented recently in Mexico. It's called FREE City. Most cities are ill-suited under the pace of modern life — they can not cope neither with transport, nor with the infrastructure load, after all, grew, by and large, they accidentally, and even expanded without taking into account the increasing human needs. Therefore, in recent years an increasing number of projects to build new, modern cities from scratch. Here is one of them and was presented recently in Mexico architectural Studio FREE.

The project, called the FREE City, involves the construction of relatively small, clearly structured city, the most adapted for the needs of man, his convenience and the possibility of further extension. According to the authors, FREE City must have a hexagonal radial structure. Moreover, it will be called "vertical city" that is building it will be as high as possible and multifunctional. This will allow the settlement to avoid infinite expansion in breadth, which ultimately leads to infrastructure and transport issues. City FREE City will have a single center — the centers of cultural, public and business life are scattered throughout its territory, and the communication between them will be as simple and convenient.

Moreover, these local centers, the project will be covered by the roofs, which will allow to create the most comfortable atmosphere and give the opportunity to spend time outdoors even in the cold season. In the FREE City will be done with maximum emphasis on public transport. Mostly electric. While trams and trolley buses will be located at a maximum distance of 8 minutes walk from any home or office. As expected, city FREE City is very green both in direct and figurative sense of the word. A large number of parks and vegetation zones will be supplemented by solar panels and wind farms within the village. And, most interestingly, FREE City can be at any moment expanded in any direction without any damage to its structure.
Source: /users/276