Top 3 terrible and dangerous turtles and lizards
3. Striped lizard (Mаlayan Wаter Monitor)
Striped lizard — second in severity lizard in the world, he lives in deep rivers and swamps of Southeast Asia. The teeth of this lizard concave back, and as you know, they sometimes eat... corpses. If a living person falls into the water, which is home to some of the striped lizards, probably, the hunting instinct of reptiles aktiviziruyutsya vulnerability that provokes the attack.
2. Loggerhead turtle (Alligator Purred Turtlе)
Loggerhead turtle — the largest freshwater turtle in the world, and to date still the most dangerous. She weighs more than 90 kilograms, strange looking reptile has a shell that is covered with cones the size of a dinosaur and a massive beak, which it could easily amputate any part of the body, which will be in close proximity to it.
1. Komodo dragon (Kоmodo Drаgon)
The Komodo dragon lives on the Indonesian woodlands, beaches and plateaus, presenting a threat to virtually all the living like a prehistoric predator of the highest order. Lizards, body length is three meters, and weighs more than 130 pounds, are the largest on Earth, forming a microcosm of the prehistoric world, which was ruled by reptiles. Komodo dragon eat a large prey, such as the Asian Buffalo. There were cases when they attacked, dismembered and devoured people.
Source: /users/413
Striped lizard — second in severity lizard in the world, he lives in deep rivers and swamps of Southeast Asia. The teeth of this lizard concave back, and as you know, they sometimes eat... corpses. If a living person falls into the water, which is home to some of the striped lizards, probably, the hunting instinct of reptiles aktiviziruyutsya vulnerability that provokes the attack.

2. Loggerhead turtle (Alligator Purred Turtlе)
Loggerhead turtle — the largest freshwater turtle in the world, and to date still the most dangerous. She weighs more than 90 kilograms, strange looking reptile has a shell that is covered with cones the size of a dinosaur and a massive beak, which it could easily amputate any part of the body, which will be in close proximity to it.

1. Komodo dragon (Kоmodo Drаgon)
The Komodo dragon lives on the Indonesian woodlands, beaches and plateaus, presenting a threat to virtually all the living like a prehistoric predator of the highest order. Lizards, body length is three meters, and weighs more than 130 pounds, are the largest on Earth, forming a microcosm of the prehistoric world, which was ruled by reptiles. Komodo dragon eat a large prey, such as the Asian Buffalo. There were cases when they attacked, dismembered and devoured people.
Source: /users/413