Scientists have found another reason sleep people
A group of biologists from the University of Wisconsin found out in the experiment on mice that during sleep the growth of certain supporting cells of the brain is doubled, thereby repairing and updating it. Scientists think they've discovered one of the reasons why all animals need sleep, and maybe this is the main reason.
From the cells, which will be discussed – oligodendrocyte, the myelin, an insulator that surrounds nerve fibers, thereby protecting the entire nervous network of the brain. Scientists have found that during sleep aktiviziruyutsya genes, which are responsible for the growth of these cells. If the mice were not allowed to sleep, these genes are silent, but intensified those that are responsible for cell death and response to stress.
Interestingly, oligodendrocytes rapidly grew during periods when the mouse was dreaming (this was determined by rapid eye movements).
The discovery has practical value: it will help to deal with such a disease as multiple sclerosis in which the immune system to destroy the myelin. In future experiments, they will first check whether sleep deprivation cause some of the same symptoms, and whether sleep deprivation in adolescents can lead to negative consequences in the distant future.
Source: /users/413
From the cells, which will be discussed – oligodendrocyte, the myelin, an insulator that surrounds nerve fibers, thereby protecting the entire nervous network of the brain. Scientists have found that during sleep aktiviziruyutsya genes, which are responsible for the growth of these cells. If the mice were not allowed to sleep, these genes are silent, but intensified those that are responsible for cell death and response to stress.

Interestingly, oligodendrocytes rapidly grew during periods when the mouse was dreaming (this was determined by rapid eye movements).
The discovery has practical value: it will help to deal with such a disease as multiple sclerosis in which the immune system to destroy the myelin. In future experiments, they will first check whether sleep deprivation cause some of the same symptoms, and whether sleep deprivation in adolescents can lead to negative consequences in the distant future.

Source: /users/413