The Rover Сuriosityперечеркнул all the hopes of the scientists
The most famous inhabitant of the red planet – the Mars Rover Сuriosity not found something significant quantities of methane. This gas, which often meet on Earth, and he is one of the main conditions for the appearance of some microorganisms. So, life on Mars, probably not.
Scientists from NASA made a report that chemical laboratory Rover found in the atmosphere only one-third parts of methane per billion. This is much worse than the expectations of the scientific community. Previous information about the discovery of methane on Mars was the consequence of mishandling of data.
The Rover 6 times did the analysis of samples of the planet's atmosphere: during the period from October 2012 to June this year. But in none of these cases methane is not detected. Says lead researcher NАSA Michael Mayer received the "most important result" that will help to focus efforts in the right direction and to study the possibility of life on Mars".
Conclusions made with the help of devices, reduce the probability of the presence on Mars, microbes that produce methane from their activity. http://player.rutv.ru/index/iframe/video_cid/73459/acc_video_id/491969/isPlay/true/time_play/1/#_27803767
Source: /users/413
Scientists from NASA made a report that chemical laboratory Rover found in the atmosphere only one-third parts of methane per billion. This is much worse than the expectations of the scientific community. Previous information about the discovery of methane on Mars was the consequence of mishandling of data.
The Rover 6 times did the analysis of samples of the planet's atmosphere: during the period from October 2012 to June this year. But in none of these cases methane is not detected. Says lead researcher NАSA Michael Mayer received the "most important result" that will help to focus efforts in the right direction and to study the possibility of life on Mars".

Conclusions made with the help of devices, reduce the probability of the presence on Mars, microbes that produce methane from their activity. http://player.rutv.ru/index/iframe/video_cid/73459/acc_video_id/491969/isPlay/true/time_play/1/#_27803767
Source: /users/413
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