A series of images by French photographer

Culmann Olivier (Olivier Culmann) for several years running photographs people watching TV. From 2004 to 2007 in the shoot was attended by the viewers from UK, USA, Mexico, France, Morocco, India, Nigeria, China and other countries.

People "caught" in a convenient, or in some weird positions: some curled up in his bed, someone stretched out on the sofa, some sitting, leaning on the table surrounded by loved ones. That people of different incomes, they belong to different social strata, their interests and views on life are different, but they all, as one, blankly stare at the flickering images on the screen. Culmann tries to catch the moment when the consciousness of the audience asleep, and dispersed attention. The series is simple called "Watching TV" ("watching TV").

That people of different incomes, they belong to different social strata, but they are all as one to stare blankly stare at the flickering images on the screen
Olivier Culmann was born in 1970 in Paris (France). From 1993 to 1999, the photographer traveled around the world in the framework of the project "Les Mondes de l'ecole" ("School worlds") which was implemented with the support of Matt Jacob (Jacob Mat). The photos were published in 2001. From 1998 to 2001, the photographer was busy creating the series "Une vie de poulet" ("the Life of a chicken"), where he conducted a bold parallel between the poultry industry and military service. Around the same time, the photographer creates a series of photographs of "the Intouchables" ("untouchables"), where Indian men and women belonging to lower caste. These works were published in the "Filigranes" and "Atlantica". After the events of September 11, Kulmann went to new York where he photographed the aftermath of the tragedy, and in 2003 was awarded the "Scam Roger Pic Prize".

Expressive works of the British Sean Ferguson (Shaun Ferguson) if charged with a special energy that is transmitted and the viewer. Ferguson, like Olivier Culmann – subtle observer and researcher, and his female portraits striking a balance between depicted object, the selected technology and the subsequent interpretation of the image by the artist himself.
Source: joinfo.ua/leisure/culture/291