Low level of sugar in the blood disrupts the heartbeat
A new study by scientists in Britain indicates a potentially dangerous link between low blood sugar in patients with diabetes and heart rhythm disturbances during the night.
A study conducted at the University of Sheffield used a permanent monitoring of the electrocardiogram to monitor the level of glucose in the blood and heart rate in older patients with diabetes type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease during the week. It has been found that low blood sugar often remains undetected and cause prolonged periods of heart rhythm disturbances, often within a few hours. This may explain why young people with no long-term complications die suddenly from heart problems when they are sleeping, and stressing the importance of blood sugar during the night.
Professor Simon Heller said: "We found a potentially important role of low sugar levels at night, which can disrupt the blood flow to the heart, causing life-threatening heart attacks".
Source: nauka24news.ru/