Effective treatment of stahis diabetes and not only
Sweet Rosa. This is referred to in China stahisa, which is home to Southeast Asia. Spray this vegetable is valuable primarily for its tubers weighing less than 7 grams. In writing use the young leaves and nodules stahisa. The leaves are the first spring vitamin salad, and nodules of a wide variety of dishes. They can be salting, drying, pickling, cooking and frying like a potato, to serve as an original garnish for meat and fish dishes. It is not surprising that in Brazil it is called "Japanese potatoes".
Medicinal properties of stahis known throughout the world. As a medicinal plant stahis has proven himself not only in his homeland but also in England, France, Brazil, where it is widely used for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, heart, liver, stomach and pancreas. And this is no coincidence, for it is well established the presence of antiaritmicheskogo, hypotensive, analgesic, antiulcer, antitumor, antispasmodic, sedative, and hypoglycemic actions.
Especially shows the use of this vegetable to the people whose age is over 40. This is due to the ability of the stahis restore the disturbed disease, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals. It contained biologically active compounds capable of very significantly reduce blood viscosity and increase the time of coagulation, thereby reducing blood flow in the brain, heart, lower limbs. It is a good prevention of thrombosis brain, heart and other blood vessels, preventing such serious complications like strokes and heart attacks.
Improving the elasticity of artery walls, stahis helps to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Stahis is widely used as a dietary food product with erosive gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer, as it helps restore damaged mucous membranes.
Medicinal properties of stahis should not be underestimated. Among many other vegetable plants excreted by the content of insulin-like substance stachyose which is similar to pancreatic hormone promotes the absorption of our body of carbohydrates.
Stachyose diabetic patients can partially compensate for any insulin deficiency and thus prevent the development of a number of severe complications caused by impaired glucose uptake.
Clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of nodules stahisa without the use of drugs to reduce the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes by 40-60 %. The infusion of the flowers stahisa drink like tea as a diuretic and a sedative for high blood pressure, insomnia and impotence. Enter in your diet as this vegetable is so healing and many health problems will disappear over time.
Source: ethno-science.ru/