Astronomers have discovered a star cluster-the fugitives
American scientists have discovered a globular cluster, which is removed at high speed from its parent galaxy. In particular, the star cluster "the exiled" was of massive elliptical galaxies under the designation M87 (NGC 4486), which is at a distance of 60 million light years from Earth in the constellation Virgo.
The cluster was assigned number HVGC-1. At the moment, globular clusters that are ejected from galaxies, will be called "Hypervelocity globular cluster". Astronomers have calculated that HVGC was ejected from the galaxy at speeds of 3.2 million km/h. At the moment, the fate of this accumulation is a journey through intergalactic space.
It is worth noting that the discovery of HVGC-1 is the chance. A team of experts spent many years studying the space around M87. The main analysis of information was conducted with the aid of a computer, but all oddities discovered by astronomers considered manually. One of this kind of "strange" was the discovery of HVGC-1.
In comparison with the globular clusters of stars scattered in poorly connected with gravitational forces, and also they are younger and are in the galactic disk. Role in the evolution of the galaxy's globular clusters is not yet fully clarified.
One thing is clear – in the cluster are the earliest stars that have just appeared in the galaxy. These stars are associated with the gravitational field in a spherical streamlined enterprises that revolve around the galactic nucleus as a whole. There are, for example, an elliptical galaxy called Messier 87 to several thousand, and in the milky Way — about 150 clusters.
Discovered ultra-fast star, flying across the milky way
Six ultra-fast stars are travelling at the speed reaching 2.5 million kilometers per hour through space, was most likely ejected by the black hole of enormous size, located in the center of our galaxy, astronomers suggest. These heavenly bodies represent the first superfast stars known to scientists with the masses close to the mass of our Sun. When "lost" double star (a system consisting of two gravitationally bound stars) is the neighborhood of black durasuede vampires discovered in the heart of our galaktiki cannibals steal life energy from other stars, which explains their unusually youthful appearance. Star vampires celestial body, sucking the life out of other stars, were first discovered in the center of the milky Way. They're called blue straggler stars. They look extremely youthful in comparison with other stars, because they are hot and so younger and their radiation is shifted in the blue direction. Astronomers believe that the blue straggler stars look young because of the fact that they steal the Hubble Telescope discovered the most distant object in solenogastres used the Space telescope "Hubble" at the limit of its capacity to detect the most distant object in the universe that we have ever seen. The light from this object has been traveling 13.2 billion years, 150 million years longer
Source: globalscience.ru