The Russians appreciated the prospect of alternative energy
In the survey participated 786 inhabitants of Russia living in the six study regions. Surveyed residents of Central Russia and the Volga region, the North and North-West, Ural, Siberia, Southern Russia, including the Caucasus and the far East.
The interactive survey was conducted online on the website: anketolog.ru. In General, the participants in this study believe that the development of alternative energy in Russia clearly lags behind the ideal.
40% said they do not know whether there are in the country any power plant based on renewable energy sources, while 36% believe that renewable energy we do not fit.
Only 13% of respondents remembered that we have solar power, 14% know about windmills.
When answering the question of what alternative energy sources do you consider most promising for the country, was named for the wind (46%), sun (30%) and river water (36%).
Source: greenevolution.ru
The interactive survey was conducted online on the website: anketolog.ru. In General, the participants in this study believe that the development of alternative energy in Russia clearly lags behind the ideal.
40% said they do not know whether there are in the country any power plant based on renewable energy sources, while 36% believe that renewable energy we do not fit.
Only 13% of respondents remembered that we have solar power, 14% know about windmills.
When answering the question of what alternative energy sources do you consider most promising for the country, was named for the wind (46%), sun (30%) and river water (36%).
Source: greenevolution.ru