British researchers have developed a new super-material, the type of "black hole"

British researchers at Surrey NanoSystems have developed a new super-material that gives the appearance of a black hole and absorbs, with the exception of 0.035%, the entire spectrum of light.
Unique novina or Vantablack conducts heat seven and a half times more effectively than copper, and is ten times stronger than steel. It is made of nanotubes with a thickness of 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. Vantablackвыращен on the aluminum foil was created for use in astronomical cameras, telescopes and infrared scanning systems. Penetrated with difficulty in the microscopic gaps of new material, released on can come back after reflection from the foil.
As said Ben Jensen, chief technology officer of the developer: "Vantablack is a major breakthrough for the industry in the UK in the application of nanotechnology to optical instrumentation. It improves the ability of sensitive telescopes to see the faintest stars, and allows the use of more compact light sources in the space of gauge systems. Its ultra-low reflectance improves the sensitivity of terrestrial, space and air devices."
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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