If friends have genetic similarities
What our friends are different from casual passers-by? It turns out that we are friends only with those people with whom we have common interests, but which are similar to our genome. So, at least, say us scientists who have decided to hold the first ever omegamania correlation analysis in the genotypes.
Between friends there is always a similarity level pateyron relatives. But that interestingness is not the end: friends in a similar way react to smells. At the same immune systems friends have to deal with different diseases. As the researchers suggest, this method helped small communities of people to survive in ancient times.
The results of the study with all the details published on the website of the University of California. In the genome analysis, participated 1 932 respondents. A sample of 1 932 people due to the fact that other respondents were excluded because of distant family ties with other participants. In the experiment remained just friends who are really strangers to each other in biological terms. Moreover, to test the scientists took genomes are unfamiliar with each other people. As a result, between friends have the same similarities as the great-grandchildren of one pair.
Source: scienceblog.ru

Between friends there is always a similarity level pateyron relatives. But that interestingness is not the end: friends in a similar way react to smells. At the same immune systems friends have to deal with different diseases. As the researchers suggest, this method helped small communities of people to survive in ancient times.
The results of the study with all the details published on the website of the University of California. In the genome analysis, participated 1 932 respondents. A sample of 1 932 people due to the fact that other respondents were excluded because of distant family ties with other participants. In the experiment remained just friends who are really strangers to each other in biological terms. Moreover, to test the scientists took genomes are unfamiliar with each other people. As a result, between friends have the same similarities as the great-grandchildren of one pair.
Source: scienceblog.ru