The 8 best films of one of the most brilliant film Directors of the XX century
Not in the world of movie fan who has not heard about the Stanley Kubrick. This man is one of the most influential innovators-filmmakers of the second half of the twentieth century. The films of Kubrick, most of which are based on literary sources, taken with great technical skill and full of ingenious solutions. Each frame is calibrated with pinpoint accuracy and filled with deep meaning.
Paths of glory, 1957
"Paths of glory" — the picture which actually started as a classic Kubrick. The film encourages people to sober actions. The worst thing is that not every courageous act will be considered as heroism. On the contrary, it can lead you to death. And this death is not from the hands of the enemy and from the hands of those who, logically, should rely in difficult moments.
A clockwork orange, 1971
Poignant story of a young scoundrel who paid a dear price for their crimes, will not leave anyone indifferent. It is possible to conduct endless discussions on the topic of violence and ways of dealing with it, and you can just see this movie, and the effect will be not worse.
The shining, 1980
The protagonist — Jack TORRANCE — arrived in an elegant secluded hotel to work caretaker during the off season with his wife and son. Torrens here had never been before. Or is it not so? The answer lies in the darkness, woven from a criminal nightmare. You know, if you want to see quality cinema, this is it. Here it is, take it!
Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, 1964
The plot — relevant at the time (and not only) problem of the relationship between the two superpowers — the USSR and the USA. Both countries have got a collection of nuclear missiles and are just waiting on the part of the enemy of reason, aggression, wrong to say the words. Nerves to the limit. Under the sweet melody of the song "We'll Meet Again", lyrical and festive at the same time, the world, covering the nuclear disaster.
Barry Lyndon, 1975
It is considered that "Barry Lyndon is primarily a visual masterpiece of the great Stanley Kubrick, the sample is a striking recreation of the historical era. However, the film is much more complicated than just a good costume drama. The film is a masterpiece in cinematic terms, and scenes shot by candlelight, take great pleasure.
Full metal jacket, 1987
The film shows how easy it is war, with all its sucking qualities of a gentle man all kindness and affection, and gives him her emotions — cruelty and madness. Kubrick shot the movie, acting, first and foremost, not a picture, but the inner horror of the main characters that makes it memorable. It plays on the nerves, but the playing technique he has.
2001: a Space Odyssey, 1968
1968 will be remembered in the history of sci-Fi cinema, as the year that gave the world the unshakable classics of the genre called "2001: a Space Odyssey", which in many ways was a breakthrough in a given topic and determined the further development of the genre for years. The movie — Zen-meditation. The movie — oppressive Thriller when emotionless machine throws in the abyss of space astronaut to die.
Eyes wide shut, 1999
The last film of the great Stanley Kubrick's probation and the audience, and criticism related to the genre of erotic Thriller. As always, his work on the film is just amazing. It is known that before the shooting was shot about 30,000 photographs of streets, houses, rooms, houses for the film. Kubrick not randomly chose the locations. He needed just such a street, such interior rooms, these are the gates of the mansion.
Source: /users/1077
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