Thanks to the scientists investigate the crimes can be faster and cheaper
Twenty one million sixty thousand eight hundred fifty one
Many of us have read science fiction stories or watching fiction movies in which police officers and detectives, reaching the scene of the crime and using a special scanner, looking for fingerprints and DNA of the killer and at the same place, compare them to its database. Although current technologies do not allow to carry out the same analysis in real life, thanks to scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of technology to wait until this possibility seems to have remained very long.
In short — scientists from MIT have managed to miniaturise the technology, called mass spectroscopy. At present, the application of such technologies is possible only in special laboratories, and its essence is to analyze the different substances and their definition. As you could already understand, to hand this technology and the possibility of its use directly at the crime scene could prove to be very useful for more rapid and effective investigation of the case.
People from MIT explain that could reduce all components of the test equipment to the nanoscopic level. And now instead of having available a specially equipped laboratory to conduct the desired tests, the investigators can use a small handheld gadgets. For example, the size of a smartphone. The device will be so efficient that you can boil down (to select items) samples without any loss of quality.
The most important thing here is that thanks to its compact scanners, the cost of such tests can be significantly reduced with thousand of dollars to several hundred, as a result of such gadgets will be possible to equip every police station.published
Source: hi-news.ru
Many of us have read science fiction stories or watching fiction movies in which police officers and detectives, reaching the scene of the crime and using a special scanner, looking for fingerprints and DNA of the killer and at the same place, compare them to its database. Although current technologies do not allow to carry out the same analysis in real life, thanks to scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of technology to wait until this possibility seems to have remained very long.
In short — scientists from MIT have managed to miniaturise the technology, called mass spectroscopy. At present, the application of such technologies is possible only in special laboratories, and its essence is to analyze the different substances and their definition. As you could already understand, to hand this technology and the possibility of its use directly at the crime scene could prove to be very useful for more rapid and effective investigation of the case.

People from MIT explain that could reduce all components of the test equipment to the nanoscopic level. And now instead of having available a specially equipped laboratory to conduct the desired tests, the investigators can use a small handheld gadgets. For example, the size of a smartphone. The device will be so efficient that you can boil down (to select items) samples without any loss of quality.
The most important thing here is that thanks to its compact scanners, the cost of such tests can be significantly reduced with thousand of dollars to several hundred, as a result of such gadgets will be possible to equip every police station.published
Source: hi-news.ru
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