Researchers have created an efficient nuclear battery water based

Researchers at the University of Missouri have created a long-lasting and efficient nuclear battery that can be used for many applications as a reliable energy source in the car, and for space flight.
Electrical engineer Jae W. Kwon says: "Controlled nuclear technologies are not essentially dangerous. We already have many commercial uses of nuclear technologies in our lives including fire detectors in bedrooms".
The new battery uses a radioactive isotope strontium-90 that boosts electrochemical energy in the solution is water-based. Nanostructured electrode made of titanium dioxide with platinum plated gather and effectively convert the energy into electrons.
Kwon explains: "Water acts as a buffer and surface plasmons, giving the device a very useful increase its effectiveness. The ion solution not easily frozen at very low temperatures, because it can work in a wide range of applications including car batteries and, if appropriate packaging, perhaps in a spacecraft".
Source: nauka24news.ru/