Mysteries of history: are we willing to accept the truth
It so happened that much of what is now considered to be already granted, the add-on initially was not. And it was at one time someone made as a suggestion. And it is not that the assumption was correct. But its secured, approved, fitted to him many many props.
And just stepping aside to see the creation probably the mantra "beauty is a terrible force" began to live. And even forgot that there is any fixed conclusions props. As time went on. "Axioms" got tons of them explanatory literature. And the first bricks "knowledge," which were the same assumptions that have long been found somewhere in the depths. These should simply buried under tons of centuries-old insights based on them. And centuries later, no one doubts their loyalty. And the building of "knowledge" all of the above. Curves and blocks that lie at the base, sooner or later, must show itself as the weak link, which can not withstand the load, piled on top of them.
And now the friction starts, they say, that we picture does not add up. The extra appendages are some, here and there, sticking out. Then here is contrary to that. And that's it. But to go into the basement to see the first bricks laid at the base, no big hurry. All basically trying to rebuild the rows of bricks that are much higher. And they do not need these basements, moldy, visit. And then there is also the Ghost will be, and maybe even the evil spirit of a thread base descend sanctions for disturbing the peace, so to speak.
Cosmetics over the existing walls is always easier to direct. There is a Wallpaper glue, and furniture to arrange in harmonious applied Sciences. Well, what if the floor is crooked and leans? It's all villains to blame, which hid from us the formula of "smooth Foundation." But we, ordinary mortal, only the left leg furniture rasp, so she didn't fall. Branding in this disgrace of an all-powerful seprately that day and nocino worn all over the world and just do what hide and hide. Cover their tracks and sweep.
Not the sort of ubiquitous pokazateli hands and feet in the name of Saratoga.
And is there therein? And if there are, whether they are the functions that we ascribe to them?
It may well be that the brick, which is not the first century back door, to be a gold ingot?
Can. And history knows such examples.
And it may well be that many more "bricks" that have "always been there" will be not what we believe? Are we ready to review? Are we willing to question the huge pile of scientific treatises? After all, these tracts are the people, titles, fees, authority. Ready to drop, so to speak, towards everything that we enshrined knew and try to put it on the new?
Or may not be worth to start taking your current bricks to put in the Foundation of another building knowledge and let it remain as it is? Let the furniture is askew, and a crowd of researchers in the pantry looking for separatelyb.
Or should I try to shift existing in a smoother and sustainable design? Without "props" and "authoritative" axioms. Suddenly, the design will be more stable?
One of the commandments of the conspiracy( and not only) theory is that "want to hide something, put it in the most conspicuous place."
For verification thereof, let's take away the most prominent place. We live in Russia, so we will not go far, and we'll just take a look at the Moscow Kremlin. He is also on the mind? In sight. Know better and not come up.
There are on the territory thereof is a remarkable artifact. Never shooting a gun, which everyone knows as the Tsar cannon. For a long time is. Hidden in full view. Pipe tube, what to take with her.
Official boring story about it, any little bit interested know. 40 tons of bronze, while trying to shoot tear. Because the ratio of trunk diameter to the wall thickness is very small. Description of use this gun has not been preserved. They say, lying, and frightened the ambassadors of other States. A piece of bronze pipe lay and scared. Scary as much horror. Any request in the network will give who the gun was cast and when. But for some reason it does not say why. After all, 40 tons of bronze to melt it is not the fire outside to breed.
And here we run into the first axiom, the meaning of which is that our distant and recent ancestors, that they do not feed bread, but give to spend on something big and not functional. Here we are saying now resources know how to count, and then they moved only a gust. And all done solely in the name of rush, well, what the thread of the deity of the Pantheon of gods. Only this and nothing more was the basis of all actions of all our ancestors. And that all these buildings that we have left, they are the consequences of unbridled impulse and delusions of gigantism.
That is, our inability to understand the purpose of buildings and objects, we are reduced to the one we understand the formula, "adoration of the primeval ancestors to the gods". And in the basket with this formula piled everything possible and impossible. Well, just everything.
And what is the Tsar cannon? Her appointment came up. She lay there itself on the pedestal, not bothering anyone. In the nineteenth century wrote to her prop gun carriage.
Peter-I that for military purposes was mined from bronze Church bells, the Tsar cannon to be melted down is not allowed. Here are other a lot of calibers, even the shooter of the era, walked to the facility together with the bells. And a piece of pipe nestrelyayuschy decided for some reason to leave. This is a little weird.
Maybe something we do not know now what I knew then about this gun, Peter-I?
40 tons of scarce material and lying eyes "delight". You see, Russian folk such fun, spent on not applicable.
Take a look at a little to this miracle of wastage of effort and resources. A heavy pipe with a dull flat end face at one end. And we remember that our ancestors in the above mentioned version of admiration and waste, nothing worked. Oval they did not exist, no one abused that squandered American resources on Russian activities. That pile means cannon.
Though the ancestors are happy and soooooooo what to do, but then not without a sense of the beautiful. How can such big and not to decorate with intricate ornament. Look at the end of the barrel. Flat and no hint of bronze graffiti that is on the other surfaces of the trunk.
Weird. There all painted, and then clean the "wall".
Shout from the audience, "is to rest on than she was when shooting. And generally it's bombarb! they all have such a flat feet. The focus returns to extinguish."
From the strange, shoot it may not, but the emphasis is on the heel. In General, anyone can believe that to cast forty tons of bronze, just like that, well, in the form of a monument of this, we spent. Brought the material, built the foundry. And this all calculations, resources, labor. To compose the broken monument?
Can still pipe somehow worked as we now not know? Maybe our excuse is at all unclear cases, in the direction of mania gigantism slightly wrong?
Look for another trunk "bombard". Thereof no decorations on the heel of the breech and no ornaments on the bottom (relative to the current situation) part of the trunk. That is, these surfaces in a "working" position closed or in contact with other surfaces and "paint" them is not necessary and even contraindicated. Then the same version of the monument cast. The layout of something broken, because of the scale, not pull.
Drove our "hidden" artifact artillerists Academy for measurements and inspection. The final outcome of the report of examination, unfortunately, not seen, with the exception of publicized opinions, "what gun did not shoot". Yes, and in fact can't.
And why we all think that any piece of pipe should the bullet core of gunpowder? As in so tight this moment drummed. That is, by our logic, that we have to this bronze piece of pipe put, any piece, any pipe, must shoot. And any round object is the kernel, which from the pipe shot. And this version is fully and completely satisfied. And there is no need to touch it, because it is "axiomatic". That is, the statement does not require proof. What if it is not?
And most interestingly, the Tsar cannon is not the only fetus megalomania profligate bored ancestors. If you search, there are quite a fellow to the world in this creation. That is, the trunk, in other versions, one of where it occurs. Makes them quite a lot. And one thing in common, very thin walls in order to withstand the pressure of powder gases when fired gunpowder. On these trunks even have damage from trying to shoot gunpowder.
And here in this place have to part with the axiom that a gun in the world only. For many it will be news. Those who are little bit familiar with the topic of weapons, those of course will say that the gauges were such. And can even send you to read what be book smart. We even watched some. And what we saw there? And there we saw a dark page the emergence of artillery. And that the ancestors of some incomprehensible persistence long enough the trunks were made of copper and bronze. There are also episodes that at some point they abruptly gave that up.
And went round making guns in the form of heavy iron products. With sufficiently thick walls relative to the diameter of the caliber. One fact prolonged use of bronze as a material not bother. Anyone will tell you that the difference in casting technology, melting temperature and so on. and so. Can partly agree.
But if we allow the idea that these bronze and copper pipes initially could have a different purpose?
Back to the Tsar cannon. In addition to the awkward relationship of caliber to the execution of the construction are unknown type of eye. Suppose you were asked to make the eyelet she was to pull the subject. So it is possible to go through a lot of ropes and that the eye does not come off. The subject we have heavy. And look at the misunderstanding that sticks out from the Tsar cannon. Are you sure that it is possible to pull? Rumor has it that inquisitive minds have tried to do the calculations if such are the eight "ears" to withstand a draft load of two hundred horses, and so much for writing to us and pulled the Tsar cannon during the move. This is 25 horses in one ear. And the barrel need to move on rollers on a travois. And without asphalt. That is, these forty ton will Balk at any bump and sink. So eyes will have quite a noticeable load. And? it turns out that for the eyelets to hold. Yes they are would stop.
Because of inept ancestors, nor gunpowder can not understand, nor eyes. But the flat heel not forgot to make, to "shoot", and eyes, to pull, did not work. And why do these eyes if they can not pull? Surely for some other purpose?
Another strange element of the initial appointment. In the context of "charging" cameras are at the center of acute pimpochka. And why is it there if gunpowder be put? It is clearly unnecessary detail and will get in the way.
The eyelets next to the pilot hole, why? Who examined a bronze cannon, he saw the same eyes next to the pilot hole and on the other guns. But anyone has an idea why they were made?
And if you look at how accomplished the outlet of the barrel of the Tsar cannon. Furrow some. After all, to fire redundant element. For beauty?
And you never thought that the barrel on the gun carriage looks like a cow saddle.
And not too many items of unknown purpose, which was spent by our ancestors.
And why increasing run-up of the eyes for which it is impossible to pull?
After all, there is clearly no decorative intent, the interval between them increases.
Don't you think that all this pain bronze simply all indicates our unwillingness to look at her. This "brick" here for a long time the back door in plain sight. What to look at? Several centuries had lain still the same and will lie.
Well this is it, a symbol of extravagance. The symbol of the spending of public funds. And could then grandmothers pension to distribute, not to engage in the creation of the nobody wants the bronze pipes. With which to light it will not work. Wild ancestors that they take.
Or did something we do not know about this piece of pipe? And it's time some of the axioms that lie at the Foundation, to review.
Author: Vladimir Mamzerim
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: pro-vladimir.livejournal.com/79798.html
And just stepping aside to see the creation probably the mantra "beauty is a terrible force" began to live. And even forgot that there is any fixed conclusions props. As time went on. "Axioms" got tons of them explanatory literature. And the first bricks "knowledge," which were the same assumptions that have long been found somewhere in the depths. These should simply buried under tons of centuries-old insights based on them. And centuries later, no one doubts their loyalty. And the building of "knowledge" all of the above. Curves and blocks that lie at the base, sooner or later, must show itself as the weak link, which can not withstand the load, piled on top of them.

And now the friction starts, they say, that we picture does not add up. The extra appendages are some, here and there, sticking out. Then here is contrary to that. And that's it. But to go into the basement to see the first bricks laid at the base, no big hurry. All basically trying to rebuild the rows of bricks that are much higher. And they do not need these basements, moldy, visit. And then there is also the Ghost will be, and maybe even the evil spirit of a thread base descend sanctions for disturbing the peace, so to speak.
Cosmetics over the existing walls is always easier to direct. There is a Wallpaper glue, and furniture to arrange in harmonious applied Sciences. Well, what if the floor is crooked and leans? It's all villains to blame, which hid from us the formula of "smooth Foundation." But we, ordinary mortal, only the left leg furniture rasp, so she didn't fall. Branding in this disgrace of an all-powerful seprately that day and nocino worn all over the world and just do what hide and hide. Cover their tracks and sweep.
Not the sort of ubiquitous pokazateli hands and feet in the name of Saratoga.
And is there therein? And if there are, whether they are the functions that we ascribe to them?
It may well be that the brick, which is not the first century back door, to be a gold ingot?
Can. And history knows such examples.
And it may well be that many more "bricks" that have "always been there" will be not what we believe? Are we ready to review? Are we willing to question the huge pile of scientific treatises? After all, these tracts are the people, titles, fees, authority. Ready to drop, so to speak, towards everything that we enshrined knew and try to put it on the new?
Or may not be worth to start taking your current bricks to put in the Foundation of another building knowledge and let it remain as it is? Let the furniture is askew, and a crowd of researchers in the pantry looking for separatelyb.
Or should I try to shift existing in a smoother and sustainable design? Without "props" and "authoritative" axioms. Suddenly, the design will be more stable?
One of the commandments of the conspiracy( and not only) theory is that "want to hide something, put it in the most conspicuous place."
For verification thereof, let's take away the most prominent place. We live in Russia, so we will not go far, and we'll just take a look at the Moscow Kremlin. He is also on the mind? In sight. Know better and not come up.
There are on the territory thereof is a remarkable artifact. Never shooting a gun, which everyone knows as the Tsar cannon. For a long time is. Hidden in full view. Pipe tube, what to take with her.

Official boring story about it, any little bit interested know. 40 tons of bronze, while trying to shoot tear. Because the ratio of trunk diameter to the wall thickness is very small. Description of use this gun has not been preserved. They say, lying, and frightened the ambassadors of other States. A piece of bronze pipe lay and scared. Scary as much horror. Any request in the network will give who the gun was cast and when. But for some reason it does not say why. After all, 40 tons of bronze to melt it is not the fire outside to breed.
And here we run into the first axiom, the meaning of which is that our distant and recent ancestors, that they do not feed bread, but give to spend on something big and not functional. Here we are saying now resources know how to count, and then they moved only a gust. And all done solely in the name of rush, well, what the thread of the deity of the Pantheon of gods. Only this and nothing more was the basis of all actions of all our ancestors. And that all these buildings that we have left, they are the consequences of unbridled impulse and delusions of gigantism.
That is, our inability to understand the purpose of buildings and objects, we are reduced to the one we understand the formula, "adoration of the primeval ancestors to the gods". And in the basket with this formula piled everything possible and impossible. Well, just everything.
And what is the Tsar cannon? Her appointment came up. She lay there itself on the pedestal, not bothering anyone. In the nineteenth century wrote to her prop gun carriage.
Peter-I that for military purposes was mined from bronze Church bells, the Tsar cannon to be melted down is not allowed. Here are other a lot of calibers, even the shooter of the era, walked to the facility together with the bells. And a piece of pipe nestrelyayuschy decided for some reason to leave. This is a little weird.
Maybe something we do not know now what I knew then about this gun, Peter-I?
40 tons of scarce material and lying eyes "delight". You see, Russian folk such fun, spent on not applicable.

Take a look at a little to this miracle of wastage of effort and resources. A heavy pipe with a dull flat end face at one end. And we remember that our ancestors in the above mentioned version of admiration and waste, nothing worked. Oval they did not exist, no one abused that squandered American resources on Russian activities. That pile means cannon.
Though the ancestors are happy and soooooooo what to do, but then not without a sense of the beautiful. How can such big and not to decorate with intricate ornament. Look at the end of the barrel. Flat and no hint of bronze graffiti that is on the other surfaces of the trunk.
Weird. There all painted, and then clean the "wall".
Shout from the audience, "is to rest on than she was when shooting. And generally it's bombarb! they all have such a flat feet. The focus returns to extinguish."
From the strange, shoot it may not, but the emphasis is on the heel. In General, anyone can believe that to cast forty tons of bronze, just like that, well, in the form of a monument of this, we spent. Brought the material, built the foundry. And this all calculations, resources, labor. To compose the broken monument?
Can still pipe somehow worked as we now not know? Maybe our excuse is at all unclear cases, in the direction of mania gigantism slightly wrong?
Look for another trunk "bombard". Thereof no decorations on the heel of the breech and no ornaments on the bottom (relative to the current situation) part of the trunk. That is, these surfaces in a "working" position closed or in contact with other surfaces and "paint" them is not necessary and even contraindicated. Then the same version of the monument cast. The layout of something broken, because of the scale, not pull.
Drove our "hidden" artifact artillerists Academy for measurements and inspection. The final outcome of the report of examination, unfortunately, not seen, with the exception of publicized opinions, "what gun did not shoot". Yes, and in fact can't.
And why we all think that any piece of pipe should the bullet core of gunpowder? As in so tight this moment drummed. That is, by our logic, that we have to this bronze piece of pipe put, any piece, any pipe, must shoot. And any round object is the kernel, which from the pipe shot. And this version is fully and completely satisfied. And there is no need to touch it, because it is "axiomatic". That is, the statement does not require proof. What if it is not?
And most interestingly, the Tsar cannon is not the only fetus megalomania profligate bored ancestors. If you search, there are quite a fellow to the world in this creation. That is, the trunk, in other versions, one of where it occurs. Makes them quite a lot. And one thing in common, very thin walls in order to withstand the pressure of powder gases when fired gunpowder. On these trunks even have damage from trying to shoot gunpowder.

And here in this place have to part with the axiom that a gun in the world only. For many it will be news. Those who are little bit familiar with the topic of weapons, those of course will say that the gauges were such. And can even send you to read what be book smart. We even watched some. And what we saw there? And there we saw a dark page the emergence of artillery. And that the ancestors of some incomprehensible persistence long enough the trunks were made of copper and bronze. There are also episodes that at some point they abruptly gave that up.
And went round making guns in the form of heavy iron products. With sufficiently thick walls relative to the diameter of the caliber. One fact prolonged use of bronze as a material not bother. Anyone will tell you that the difference in casting technology, melting temperature and so on. and so. Can partly agree.
But if we allow the idea that these bronze and copper pipes initially could have a different purpose?

Back to the Tsar cannon. In addition to the awkward relationship of caliber to the execution of the construction are unknown type of eye. Suppose you were asked to make the eyelet she was to pull the subject. So it is possible to go through a lot of ropes and that the eye does not come off. The subject we have heavy. And look at the misunderstanding that sticks out from the Tsar cannon. Are you sure that it is possible to pull? Rumor has it that inquisitive minds have tried to do the calculations if such are the eight "ears" to withstand a draft load of two hundred horses, and so much for writing to us and pulled the Tsar cannon during the move. This is 25 horses in one ear. And the barrel need to move on rollers on a travois. And without asphalt. That is, these forty ton will Balk at any bump and sink. So eyes will have quite a noticeable load. And? it turns out that for the eyelets to hold. Yes they are would stop.
Because of inept ancestors, nor gunpowder can not understand, nor eyes. But the flat heel not forgot to make, to "shoot", and eyes, to pull, did not work. And why do these eyes if they can not pull? Surely for some other purpose?
Another strange element of the initial appointment. In the context of "charging" cameras are at the center of acute pimpochka. And why is it there if gunpowder be put? It is clearly unnecessary detail and will get in the way.
The eyelets next to the pilot hole, why? Who examined a bronze cannon, he saw the same eyes next to the pilot hole and on the other guns. But anyone has an idea why they were made?
And if you look at how accomplished the outlet of the barrel of the Tsar cannon. Furrow some. After all, to fire redundant element. For beauty?

And you never thought that the barrel on the gun carriage looks like a cow saddle.
And not too many items of unknown purpose, which was spent by our ancestors.
And why increasing run-up of the eyes for which it is impossible to pull?
After all, there is clearly no decorative intent, the interval between them increases.
Don't you think that all this pain bronze simply all indicates our unwillingness to look at her. This "brick" here for a long time the back door in plain sight. What to look at? Several centuries had lain still the same and will lie.
Well this is it, a symbol of extravagance. The symbol of the spending of public funds. And could then grandmothers pension to distribute, not to engage in the creation of the nobody wants the bronze pipes. With which to light it will not work. Wild ancestors that they take.

Or did something we do not know about this piece of pipe? And it's time some of the axioms that lie at the Foundation, to review.
Author: Vladimir Mamzerim
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: pro-vladimir.livejournal.com/79798.html