Gregory Pomerantz: about intelligence, spirituality, and good and evil
Fifty eight million two hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred forty
The experience of recent centuries has shown how dangerous it is to trust logic, not poverty her heart and spiritual experience. The mind, which became a practical force, threat. Threat scientific mind with their discoveries and inventions. A dangerous political mind with its reforms. You need protection from the destructive forces of mind like at the plant — from nuclear explosion. No villain, ruffian, sadist have not committed so much evil as enthusiasts of noble ideas, progressive ideas, focused good... Millions of people killed the idea of the final solution, the final way out of crises, the idea of the leap from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom (or any other utopia).
In an environment where a tone of vulgarity and rudeness, it is very difficult to bring together that part of the educated society that made their way to the depths of the open Russian and world culture. Don't see a more efficient path than the path of individual development. Only the ability to reach the level that will become family tops and depths (in this case, the top and bottom of metaphor) of the world culture and we in some degree feel ourselves their heirs.
Intelligence is an internal readiness for external freedom and readiness to defend that freedom from external attacks and from internal defects, from turning freedom into license.
All attempts to reach a harmonic state of society, leaving aside the human personality, the soul, the infinity of the soul, only lead to disappointment, irritation, evil attempts to subdue the unruly mind and the nature of the end to this Orgy of violence, in which drowning the last remnants of the mind; be game, nonsense, compared with which the old, irrational state of society seems to be a realm of Reason, Goodness and Beauty.
In space and time God can find themselves in the depths of the human heart, but only in the very last depth. And that's when the man reaches the last depth, he feels a spirit who tells him what is good and what is bad.
Source: kudaidesh.ru/yozhnaya-zhizn/vsyakie-poleznosti/o-duhovnom-poiske-i-dobre-i-zle-grigoriy-pomerants/
The experience of recent centuries has shown how dangerous it is to trust logic, not poverty her heart and spiritual experience. The mind, which became a practical force, threat. Threat scientific mind with their discoveries and inventions. A dangerous political mind with its reforms. You need protection from the destructive forces of mind like at the plant — from nuclear explosion. No villain, ruffian, sadist have not committed so much evil as enthusiasts of noble ideas, progressive ideas, focused good... Millions of people killed the idea of the final solution, the final way out of crises, the idea of the leap from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom (or any other utopia).
In an environment where a tone of vulgarity and rudeness, it is very difficult to bring together that part of the educated society that made their way to the depths of the open Russian and world culture. Don't see a more efficient path than the path of individual development. Only the ability to reach the level that will become family tops and depths (in this case, the top and bottom of metaphor) of the world culture and we in some degree feel ourselves their heirs.
Intelligence is an internal readiness for external freedom and readiness to defend that freedom from external attacks and from internal defects, from turning freedom into license.
All attempts to reach a harmonic state of society, leaving aside the human personality, the soul, the infinity of the soul, only lead to disappointment, irritation, evil attempts to subdue the unruly mind and the nature of the end to this Orgy of violence, in which drowning the last remnants of the mind; be game, nonsense, compared with which the old, irrational state of society seems to be a realm of Reason, Goodness and Beauty.
In space and time God can find themselves in the depths of the human heart, but only in the very last depth. And that's when the man reaches the last depth, he feels a spirit who tells him what is good and what is bad.
Source: kudaidesh.ru/yozhnaya-zhizn/vsyakie-poleznosti/o-duhovnom-poiske-i-dobre-i-zle-grigoriy-pomerants/
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