Early signs of heart disease
Heart disease today is the most common and dangerous disease, along with cancer and diabetes. Deceit cardiovascular diseases that they often occur in a latent form, without showing themselves. But that early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases more efficiently carry out his treatment and with lower costs. There are early signals-signs of this disease. It is important to notice and understand.
Early signs of cardiovascular diseases: Angina may occur not only chest pain but also in other parts of the body: the area between the shoulders, arms, neck, jaws and teeth. Pay attention to the pain that appears after any physical activity, such as walking. Do not hesitate to visit a cardiologist.
Migraines in women can also be a harbinger of cardiovascular disease Women whose headache appears at least once a month and is accompanied by visual stimuli in the form of zigzags before the eyes, twice as likely to become victims of heart disease.
Prolonged for more than a week "flu". Irregularities in the cardiovascular system can cause fatigue and difficulty breathing, similar to a flu-like condition, but without the typical flu joint pain.
Infringement of concentration of attention. When the pressure of the blood in a sufficient amount enters the brain, causing confusion and problems with concentration.
Male pattern baldness, starting with the neck, may be a sign of heart disease.
Impotecia. One of the early symptoms of cardiovascular disease can be of erectile dysfunction.
Pain in the legs when walking, seizures manifest with peripheral vascular disease of leg arteries. If there is a problem with the blood vessels of the legs be sure to inspect and heart.
Snoring or sleep apnea, can also indicate incipient problems with the cardiovascular system.
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