10 interesting paradoxes for fans to smash his head

Call a paradox a situation or statement that breaks out of the usual concept of truth and at first glance contrary to common sense. The composition of the paradoxes studied by the most prominent sages. Here are a few striking examples:
If sand is to remove one grain of sand, it will still be a handful of sand. Continue to remove grain by grain, and at some point, a handful will disappear. Can one single grain of sand to determine the difference between a handful of sand and its absence?
The paradox Pinocchiothe Italian guy, as you know, was a wooden liar. In addition, he had one unique feature: once he told a lie, his nose grew a little. And this raises a curious paradox:
What if he says: "Now I have to grow the nose?
If the nose will not grow — it will turn out that the guy lied, and his nose supposed to grow. But if the nose will grow then he was telling the truth, then why would his nose grow?
The girl and her grandmotherOne girl went past and killed his young grandmother. Since her grandmother murdered, unable to have children, and granddaughter she, too, could not be. Therefore, the granddaughter couldn't kill my grandmother and my grandmother had all the chances to continue the race...
The paradox of Swiss cheeseSwiss cheese full of holes. The more holes the less cheese. The more cheese the more holes. It means, the more cheese the less cheese.
Yes or no?Try to answer truthfully (either “Yes” or “no” to the following question: “Will the next word you utter, the word “no”?
The paradox of pirateAll my childhood I was taught how to share, and now they've arrested me for it!
The paradox of being a hipsterHipsters are people who try to be “not as all”. However, if they are incredibly popular and most people become hipsters, hipsters are mainstream and cease to be hipsters.
The paradox of a missionarya missionary was captured by cannibals and those planning on having a celebratory dinner. The missionary asks him to let go, but the cannibals agree only to provide poor to determine whether it is fried or cooked. For this he offered to speak any statement with the condition that if this statement is true, they will cook, and if it is false, it will fry.
The paradox is detected when the smart missionary says: "You gonna cook me". Cannibals find themselves in a desperate situation: if they really roast missionary, it turns out that his words are true, therefore, it should cook. If his cook, his statement will be false, and it ought to fry.
The paradox of omnipotence"Suppose there is someone, in whose power everything. The idea is that this creature must be able to come up with a problem which will not be able to perform it; thus, this creature cannot perform any task. On the other hand, if this being cannot think for themselves an impossible task, so there is still something it cannot do."
The paradox of the "Ship of Theseus""seems Quite logical statement that it is possible to replace any part of the hull or rigging of the ship, and the ship remains the same ship of Theseus. Then you can replace all parts of the ship gradually, one after another, new, and it will still be the same ship. And if all the original parts of the ship, at the time, with new ones to fill the entire ship, which of the two resulting ships is the same ship of Theseus?" published
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/76800
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