5 interesting scientific paradoxes
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Sometimes in life things happen that are simply impossible to find a logical explanation, but still they happen! Such conflicts are often very unexpected and confusing, and very difficult to understand where they myth and the truth. So what is a paradox? This is something that cannot be explained fully. Something that destroys truth, and even openly laughing at her.
Very often, paradoxes are used good speakers. Their full of many works of painters and folklorists. Great artists of the word Lewis Carroll and Korney Chukovsky often used paradoxes as art techniques. The ancient Greek thinkers with pleasure saturated their aphorisms. So, we present to your attention the most interesting scientific controversy.
1. The paradox of the liar
We are talking about one of the most ancient paradoxes. It is marked in the New Testament. He of the Cretan says that all Cretans are liars. But if he's telling the truth, it turns out that he is also a liar, then his statement is false. Well, if he is not a liar, then tells a lie. Yeah, the puzzle is still the same. Such paradoxes can be neither proved nor disproved.
2. The paradox of drunks
This is a curious paradox: in any pubs there is at least one such person, "if he does not drink, then drink all of it." Confusing, right? The logic of this paradox is the following:
* An American-style pub called "coyote Ugly" drink all of it. One of the regulars at the pub, bill's drinking. Then if you drink all the drinks, and bill. And Vice versa.
* Imagine the first version is wrong. Of course, all do not drink, then sober saves at least one person — let it will again be bill. Because it is not true that he drinks, it is true that if he drinks, drink all.
Let's say, the paradox is very vague and dubious, but then he and paradox.
3. The paradox of omnipotence
This so-called "spiritual paradox" lies in the fact that humanity asks the question: "whether such a miracle as the creation of a higher intelligence such a huge and heavy stone that is so unaffordable that a higher being will not be able to pick it up?".
If the Almighty can create such an incredible stone, it will cease to be Almighty, as not to be able to raise it. If you can't, so he was not all-powerful initially.
4. The paradox of lift
If you live in high-rise and every day take the Elevator, think about where it comes caused by lift. On top? The bottom?
For example, a certain Maria lives on the top floor, hence the Elevator comes to her from below and then descends. And some Anna on a couple of floors below, then it'll be the first Elevator that rises to the top floor, down it will start to come down a little later. It turns out that the inhabitants of the top floors first enters the Elevator, going upstairs. With the lower floors, the situation is similar.
This paradox was first noted physicists Marvin stern and George Gamow, who worked on different floors of a multistory office building. One Elevator almost all the time moving down and the other up.
5. The paradox of the birthdays
For example, if there is a group of 23 or more people, there is a probability that at least one of the pair of participants will coincide their date of birth. This probability exceeds 47%. For groups of more people the possibility of coincidence of the birthdays of at least two of its members is more than 99 %.
100% it reaches only when the group no less than 367 persons. It is worth noting that scientists do not believe this statement is completely paradoxical, because it is based on the theory of probability and has a scientific justification.
Source: naked-science.ru/article/top/06-09-2013-454
Sometimes in life things happen that are simply impossible to find a logical explanation, but still they happen! Such conflicts are often very unexpected and confusing, and very difficult to understand where they myth and the truth. So what is a paradox? This is something that cannot be explained fully. Something that destroys truth, and even openly laughing at her.
Very often, paradoxes are used good speakers. Their full of many works of painters and folklorists. Great artists of the word Lewis Carroll and Korney Chukovsky often used paradoxes as art techniques. The ancient Greek thinkers with pleasure saturated their aphorisms. So, we present to your attention the most interesting scientific controversy.
1. The paradox of the liar
We are talking about one of the most ancient paradoxes. It is marked in the New Testament. He of the Cretan says that all Cretans are liars. But if he's telling the truth, it turns out that he is also a liar, then his statement is false. Well, if he is not a liar, then tells a lie. Yeah, the puzzle is still the same. Such paradoxes can be neither proved nor disproved.
2. The paradox of drunks
This is a curious paradox: in any pubs there is at least one such person, "if he does not drink, then drink all of it." Confusing, right? The logic of this paradox is the following:
* An American-style pub called "coyote Ugly" drink all of it. One of the regulars at the pub, bill's drinking. Then if you drink all the drinks, and bill. And Vice versa.
* Imagine the first version is wrong. Of course, all do not drink, then sober saves at least one person — let it will again be bill. Because it is not true that he drinks, it is true that if he drinks, drink all.
Let's say, the paradox is very vague and dubious, but then he and paradox.
3. The paradox of omnipotence
This so-called "spiritual paradox" lies in the fact that humanity asks the question: "whether such a miracle as the creation of a higher intelligence such a huge and heavy stone that is so unaffordable that a higher being will not be able to pick it up?".
If the Almighty can create such an incredible stone, it will cease to be Almighty, as not to be able to raise it. If you can't, so he was not all-powerful initially.
4. The paradox of lift
If you live in high-rise and every day take the Elevator, think about where it comes caused by lift. On top? The bottom?
For example, a certain Maria lives on the top floor, hence the Elevator comes to her from below and then descends. And some Anna on a couple of floors below, then it'll be the first Elevator that rises to the top floor, down it will start to come down a little later. It turns out that the inhabitants of the top floors first enters the Elevator, going upstairs. With the lower floors, the situation is similar.
This paradox was first noted physicists Marvin stern and George Gamow, who worked on different floors of a multistory office building. One Elevator almost all the time moving down and the other up.
5. The paradox of the birthdays
For example, if there is a group of 23 or more people, there is a probability that at least one of the pair of participants will coincide their date of birth. This probability exceeds 47%. For groups of more people the possibility of coincidence of the birthdays of at least two of its members is more than 99 %.
100% it reaches only when the group no less than 367 persons. It is worth noting that scientists do not believe this statement is completely paradoxical, because it is based on the theory of probability and has a scientific justification.
Source: naked-science.ru/article/top/06-09-2013-454