Rare photos of snow leopards in the Altai
Automatic cameras installed in the Altai national Park "Saylyugemskiy", recorded photos and video of rare snow leopards.
This is the first evidence that the territory of national Park "Saylyugemskiy" really inhabits this rare and secretive predator, the press service of the Ministry of natural resources. "Similarly, we can say that there were at least three different snow leopards, maybe four,' said the senior researcher, Altai state reserve Sergey Spitsyn. Two of them filmed on video, which clearly shows differences in the pattern on the tail. The rest is removed in the photo, the differences in the figure is difficult to determine due to not very good angle and low quality photos. One thing is for sure: this camera shot is not known to us and often shooting the male Hook, and some other individuals. Maybe in the shot of the grown kittens of the Vita. We hope to clarify this issue with further work."
Scientific work on the study of snow leopards began in the Altai Republic in February 2015. Camera traps were installed in estimating the crossing location of the bars. Less than a month the first images of the animal. Soon new footage of the snow leopards, the Park's staff, together with colleagues from the Altai state reserve will be compared with previously captured individuals from the database. With two of the three places of discovery were collected biological materials that will be used to further research on DNA in the lab.
Snow leopard (IRBIS) is an extremely rare species. In the XX century it was included in the Red book of the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN) and the Red book of the Russian Federation. Mind rated category I "species under threat of extinction". He also included in Annex I of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora under threat of extinction. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/news/view/na_altae_udalos_sdelat_redkie_snimki_snezhnogo_barsa_11305/

This is the first evidence that the territory of national Park "Saylyugemskiy" really inhabits this rare and secretive predator, the press service of the Ministry of natural resources. "Similarly, we can say that there were at least three different snow leopards, maybe four,' said the senior researcher, Altai state reserve Sergey Spitsyn. Two of them filmed on video, which clearly shows differences in the pattern on the tail. The rest is removed in the photo, the differences in the figure is difficult to determine due to not very good angle and low quality photos. One thing is for sure: this camera shot is not known to us and often shooting the male Hook, and some other individuals. Maybe in the shot of the grown kittens of the Vita. We hope to clarify this issue with further work."

Scientific work on the study of snow leopards began in the Altai Republic in February 2015. Camera traps were installed in estimating the crossing location of the bars. Less than a month the first images of the animal. Soon new footage of the snow leopards, the Park's staff, together with colleagues from the Altai state reserve will be compared with previously captured individuals from the database. With two of the three places of discovery were collected biological materials that will be used to further research on DNA in the lab.
Snow leopard (IRBIS) is an extremely rare species. In the XX century it was included in the Red book of the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN) and the Red book of the Russian Federation. Mind rated category I "species under threat of extinction". He also included in Annex I of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora under threat of extinction. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/news/view/na_altae_udalos_sdelat_redkie_snimki_snezhnogo_barsa_11305/
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