The biggest school on Earth

The biggest school on Earth which has nearly 45 thousand pupils is in India, in the heart of the city Lucknow. Founded the school in 1959 Bharti Gandhi with his wife (Bharti and Jagdish Gandhi), and originally it consisted of two classes, which were attended by only five pupils. But everything changed rapidly when the news opened a private school where you can obtain incredibly good quality education, spread of Indian province. Now the school is a network of twenty branches, like College campuses located throughout the city of Lucknow. These towns are quite well appointed, apart from the school buildings have their own streets, fountains and parks. What is most remarkable, that the city of Lucknow in addition to this school there are hundreds of secondary schools, but these parents seek to give training of their children. After all, under the roof of this school receive a quality education, children of different social classes and different religions, which is very rare to find in other schools, where mostly in India, the students are divided into castes according to social origin and religious bigotry. The school employs more than 2,500 teachers who teach students ages 3 to 17 years. School paid. The smallest training costs about $ 17 a month, high school students 45 dollars. Without exception, all wear the same school uniform.
The school has approximately: 70% Hindus, 25% Muslims, 5% Christians and Sikhs. Teachers primarily teach children to love and respect all living on earth, without exception, no matter their class and religious affiliation. To accept all as they are. Therefore, at the entrance to the school is notable for hanging a banner on which is inscribed: "the Whole earth is but one country and all people its citizens". And next to another equally important slogan: "Every child is the light of the world". In my opinion, these two slogan to mention much better, perhaps, did not say not write.
Every year the number of students in this school increased, in the last two years the school has expanded its ranks by 2,000 students. And as the Director of this school is not the limit of possibilities, the school take all comers, without exception, the main thing that the student has the desire to learn and to abide by all rules set within the walls of this institution.
School got in the Guinness Book of records as the largest by number of students students, and received the UNESCO prize for "peace education" and "educating children in the spirit of the universal values of peace and tolerance". published

Source: allfreefoto.ru