Turbines on the Eiffel tower

Eiffel tower got its own auxiliary wind power plant. It has mounted a new York-based company UGE International. Two turbines with vertical axis installed at a height of about 120 meters, on the second level. They must produce in a year about 10 thousand kilowatt-hours of electricity, enough to supply electricity to the first level of the tower.
Installation of the turbines is part of a citywide plan to reduce the harmful effects on the climate. In addition to installing the turbines, the tower will replace the entire illumination and lighting to led, and put the next array of solar panels: they will provide about half the needs of two pavilions for visitors in hot water.
Although UGE has experience of installation works in 90 countries, works on the Eiffel tower forced the engineers to smash his head on the tower it was impossible to use cranes or other auxiliary equipment, so the upgrade was carried out the old fashioned way: on ropes and manual winches. Installation crew clambered over the designs of a tower as in the days of Gustave Eiffel, and the only consolation was the fantastic views of Paris.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: green-city.su/