How parents affect the emotional intelligence of the child
Much of the current educational techniques aimed at the development of rational thinking of the child and to improve his IQ. Parents teach children to read, ability to think logically and to reason, care about physical health of the baby. But, contrary to popular opinion, the most important role in the formation of personality and the socialization of the child plays it is emotional intelligence. The results of the studies show that 80% of success in social and personal spheres of life determines the level of development of emotional intelligence and only 20% — a well-known IQ.
A high level of emotional intelligence helps to adapt to different living conditions, to quickly cope with stressful situations, to achieve career heights and to overcome difficulties. Socialization of the child at school, motivation in studies, the desire to interact with people and explore the outside world directly depend on the emotional climate within the family.
Parents tend to underestimate the degree of impact of own emotions on the internal state of the child. The kid is a sponge that indiscriminately absorbs everything that you feel. It matter what emotions you guide on the child, depends on the level of his emotional development in the long term. While still in the womb, the fetus feels the mother's thoughts and reads her mood. Every emotional outburst, a stressful situation or negative feeling mirrored on your child. The creation of a stable and harmonious emotional background during pregnancy is a priority for every mother.
As soft and comfortable should be the environment in the first months of life the newborn. Always be calm and gentle with the baby, protect it from any manifestations of negative emotions. The child is not consciously remember, if you cry or just yell at him, but you can deprive him of the status of internal security and stability. During this period, it is important to lay in the subconscious feeling of a close and empathetic relationship: the child must learn that love him. You have to protect him from any conflict and aggression.
To three years a mother and her child exist in the same emotional environment, your emotions – it's the air baby. How adequately you Express your feelings, cope with stress and trouble will provide the basis of healthy psychological and physical condition of the child. The kid is extremely important to see a full and harmonious relationship between parents, because children often suffer in their own personal relationship model of the behavior of moms and dads with each other. You need to demonstrate to even the simplest displays of love and affection to give flowers, take the hand, kiss good-bye.
Where to start?
is your child in constant tactile contact. So the child will feel that you care about him that he is needed and loved. It gives them a sense of security, contentment and stability. In this moment you lays the notion that he coveted and expensive.
— get rid of overly rational approach. Your task – to feel that the child requires at the moment. Listen to his signals: understand the emotion that brings you to the baby and treat it as an opportunity to bond. Next show how to Express the emotion correctly. For example, create your own ritual expressions of anger to yell at a piece of furniture, tear up the sheet of paper to draw something that excites you, then crumple and throw away the picture.
— teach your child the technique of "calm breathing": inhale – pause – exhale. Extend the expiratory phase by reducing the pause. Slow and deep breathing with emphasis on exhalation is a way to normalize the emotional state and to relax.
Emotional intelligence can help you increase and develop throughout life. But the base you lay in early childhood will remain with the child forever: the sooner he will begin to develop self-awareness and to understand his inner state, the easier it will be to cope with negative emotions, to achieve success and self-actualization. published
Author: Victoria Lyamets
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/9266

A high level of emotional intelligence helps to adapt to different living conditions, to quickly cope with stressful situations, to achieve career heights and to overcome difficulties. Socialization of the child at school, motivation in studies, the desire to interact with people and explore the outside world directly depend on the emotional climate within the family.
Parents tend to underestimate the degree of impact of own emotions on the internal state of the child. The kid is a sponge that indiscriminately absorbs everything that you feel. It matter what emotions you guide on the child, depends on the level of his emotional development in the long term. While still in the womb, the fetus feels the mother's thoughts and reads her mood. Every emotional outburst, a stressful situation or negative feeling mirrored on your child. The creation of a stable and harmonious emotional background during pregnancy is a priority for every mother.
As soft and comfortable should be the environment in the first months of life the newborn. Always be calm and gentle with the baby, protect it from any manifestations of negative emotions. The child is not consciously remember, if you cry or just yell at him, but you can deprive him of the status of internal security and stability. During this period, it is important to lay in the subconscious feeling of a close and empathetic relationship: the child must learn that love him. You have to protect him from any conflict and aggression.
To three years a mother and her child exist in the same emotional environment, your emotions – it's the air baby. How adequately you Express your feelings, cope with stress and trouble will provide the basis of healthy psychological and physical condition of the child. The kid is extremely important to see a full and harmonious relationship between parents, because children often suffer in their own personal relationship model of the behavior of moms and dads with each other. You need to demonstrate to even the simplest displays of love and affection to give flowers, take the hand, kiss good-bye.
Where to start?
is your child in constant tactile contact. So the child will feel that you care about him that he is needed and loved. It gives them a sense of security, contentment and stability. In this moment you lays the notion that he coveted and expensive.
— get rid of overly rational approach. Your task – to feel that the child requires at the moment. Listen to his signals: understand the emotion that brings you to the baby and treat it as an opportunity to bond. Next show how to Express the emotion correctly. For example, create your own ritual expressions of anger to yell at a piece of furniture, tear up the sheet of paper to draw something that excites you, then crumple and throw away the picture.
— teach your child the technique of "calm breathing": inhale – pause – exhale. Extend the expiratory phase by reducing the pause. Slow and deep breathing with emphasis on exhalation is a way to normalize the emotional state and to relax.
Emotional intelligence can help you increase and develop throughout life. But the base you lay in early childhood will remain with the child forever: the sooner he will begin to develop self-awareness and to understand his inner state, the easier it will be to cope with negative emotions, to achieve success and self-actualization. published
Author: Victoria Lyamets
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/9266