There will be a rare superlunar eclipse on Sunday.
If you look up into the sky on Sunday, September 27, you will see a huge red moon. Don’t worry, this is not a sign of the end of the world and the beginning of the apocalypse (at least we hope). You will witness a rare and breathtaking event.
On September 27, observers from the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East will be able to see the moon at its closest orbital point (called perigee). The moon crosses this point once a month, making a complete revolution around our planet. However, the passage of perigee does not always coincide with a full moon. This week we were lucky to have a full moon 14 percent larger than normal, an event called a supermoon. But this is not all: on the same day the Earth will pass between the Sun and the Moon, which will lead to a total lunar eclipse.
This event is also called the Blood Moon. This formidable nickname comes from biblical prophecy. It also accurately describes the color of the moon during the event. The moon appears red during an eclipse, largely due to the Earth’s atmosphere, which scatters the sun’s rays. If the Earth did not have an atmosphere, the Moon would be black during eclipses and almost completely invisible to non-existent earthlings who would not survive without air.
The last superlunar eclipse occurred 32 years ago, in 1982. If you miss this grand astronomical event this time around, you’ll have to wait until 2033 to see it again.
Source: hi-news.ru