November: work in the fruit garden, flower beds and vegetable garden
November is the month of transition. In the southern parts of the country autumn is crying heavy rains, in the North — already the snow crunches under your feet. What else needs to be done on the site in anticipation of the winter calendar?
In the fruit gardenIn dry weather guide sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Whitewash trunks and bases of skeletal branches, if it was not done last month.
Remove the remaining on the trees apples, plums, etc., do not leave any mummified or macerated fetus, because they are the source of disease and also the place of wintering of pests.
Damaged fruit left on trees are a source of diseases and pests
Protect trees and shrubs from rodents. This will razmazite poisoned bait or 3 tablets of the drug from rats and mice (for example, "Storm") under the upturned box. Put something heavy to wind the box blew.
In regions with harsh winters put the big stems and trunks of trees with spruce branches and fasten cut the raspberry stems, reeds, etc., prikopa the lower part of the soil. For this purpose you can use old nylon stockings, roofing material etc.
Tree trunks in circles around trees backfill humus, peat or sawdust stale layer up to 10 cm below the root system isn't froze solid.
Berry bushes (except currants) tie plastic twine, so they better spend the winter, and wet snow would break the branches.
Collect fallen leaves and other plant debris, put them in the compost, sprinkling the ground, or remove from the land.
Stock cuttings of apples, pears, plums and other crops for spring vaccinations.
If you are practicing the inoculation of trees and shrubs, don't forget to stock cuttings
Pay attention to garden strawberries (strawberries), backfill soil or compost to bare stems, two to three year plants. When lowering the temperature to — 10° insulate spruce branches.
In the garden, Prepare the beds for podzimny sowing of vegetable crops. Don't forget to bring in an unheated room in the land for seeding of seeds. If the soil froze solid, you can sow carrots, onions-Nigella, beetroot, spinach, dill, etc.
Podzimny sowing
Dig vacant beds, without breaking the clods, so much of overwintering pests will die.
In the flower bedsbefore winter Sow in prepared places seeds perennial and annual flower crops.
Roses ready for winter. Cut strong shoots, leaving 25-30 cm, weak and not ripe — delete. Okucia their garden soil. Remove any remaining leaves. The first frost of the roses benefit, not, covers them ahead of time.
Pruning roses in late autumn
From herbaceous perennials, cut the aboveground part, mix in humus, okucia.
Thermophilic capricious insulate. Pour the dry leaf litter, and the top cover film.
Conifers (spherical and vertical arborvitae, junipers, etc.), rhododendrons tie nylon twine to the snow not razlohmatil them and broke the branches.
Conifers before winter it is desirable to associate
Planting bulbous flower crops over mulch with humus, peat or sawdust stale.
Periodically check the safety of the tubers, bulbs, corms and rhizomes, dug plants. All suspicious, rotten remove immediately to avoid infecting the entire planting material.
Planting material can be stored in sawdust in an unheated basement
In the greenhouse,Unheated greenhouse ready for the next season: remove plant residues, soil and disinfect the frame, place the supports so that the snow layer is not deformed it.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: 101dizain.ru
In the fruit gardenIn dry weather guide sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Whitewash trunks and bases of skeletal branches, if it was not done last month.
Remove the remaining on the trees apples, plums, etc., do not leave any mummified or macerated fetus, because they are the source of disease and also the place of wintering of pests.

Damaged fruit left on trees are a source of diseases and pests
Protect trees and shrubs from rodents. This will razmazite poisoned bait or 3 tablets of the drug from rats and mice (for example, "Storm") under the upturned box. Put something heavy to wind the box blew.
In regions with harsh winters put the big stems and trunks of trees with spruce branches and fasten cut the raspberry stems, reeds, etc., prikopa the lower part of the soil. For this purpose you can use old nylon stockings, roofing material etc.
Tree trunks in circles around trees backfill humus, peat or sawdust stale layer up to 10 cm below the root system isn't froze solid.
Berry bushes (except currants) tie plastic twine, so they better spend the winter, and wet snow would break the branches.
Collect fallen leaves and other plant debris, put them in the compost, sprinkling the ground, or remove from the land.
Stock cuttings of apples, pears, plums and other crops for spring vaccinations.
If you are practicing the inoculation of trees and shrubs, don't forget to stock cuttings
Pay attention to garden strawberries (strawberries), backfill soil or compost to bare stems, two to three year plants. When lowering the temperature to — 10° insulate spruce branches.
In the garden, Prepare the beds for podzimny sowing of vegetable crops. Don't forget to bring in an unheated room in the land for seeding of seeds. If the soil froze solid, you can sow carrots, onions-Nigella, beetroot, spinach, dill, etc.
Podzimny sowing
Dig vacant beds, without breaking the clods, so much of overwintering pests will die.
In the flower bedsbefore winter Sow in prepared places seeds perennial and annual flower crops.
Roses ready for winter. Cut strong shoots, leaving 25-30 cm, weak and not ripe — delete. Okucia their garden soil. Remove any remaining leaves. The first frost of the roses benefit, not, covers them ahead of time.
Pruning roses in late autumn
From herbaceous perennials, cut the aboveground part, mix in humus, okucia.
Thermophilic capricious insulate. Pour the dry leaf litter, and the top cover film.
Conifers (spherical and vertical arborvitae, junipers, etc.), rhododendrons tie nylon twine to the snow not razlohmatil them and broke the branches.
Conifers before winter it is desirable to associate
Planting bulbous flower crops over mulch with humus, peat or sawdust stale.
Periodically check the safety of the tubers, bulbs, corms and rhizomes, dug plants. All suspicious, rotten remove immediately to avoid infecting the entire planting material.
Planting material can be stored in sawdust in an unheated basement
In the greenhouse,Unheated greenhouse ready for the next season: remove plant residues, soil and disinfect the frame, place the supports so that the snow layer is not deformed it.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: 101dizain.ru