The unique healing properties of CYCLAMEN — recipes of traditional medicine
Cyclamen is a beautiful flower, which is gradually included in the list of houseplants. Like most indoor plants, traditional medicine was able to adapt it for treatment of some diseases and quite successfully.
In this case, the flower is poisonous and it can cause some people allergic reactions and even serious poisoning due to overdose.
It is known that the tubers of cyclamen contain a biologically active substance group of saponins cyclamen in contact with mucous membrane irritant and causes enhanced reflex secretion, promotes natural drainage (cleansing) of the paranasal sinuses.
This flower is well distributed in the Caucasus, love the scattered shade of the forest.
Flowering cyclamen in the wild is great in early spring. Closer to the summer, with the onset of heat, the ground portion of the plant dies and the new leaves appear only in late autumn.
In urban areas, if there are no wild plants, and cultivated potted cyclamen.
And as a medicinal raw material used the tuber of the cyclamen. It was found saponin, cyclamen and bitter substances.
Preparations of the plant are used as sedative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Especially well-known cyclamen in folk medicine as a means of completely and permanently cures chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, polyps in the nose and adenoids, and also treats arthritis, headaches.
The preparations of cyclamen in folk medicine
In dropsy, gout, rheumatism, jaundice, digestive disorders, intestinal cramps, headaches, diseases of the urinary bladder: to make alcohol tincture from the tubers of the cyclamen flower. Take 50g chopped fresh tubers of cyclamen, pour 500 ml of alcohol, insist in a dark warm place for two weeks, periodically shake the contents. Then strain, squeeze, store in a cool and dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
If you have stiff joints (outer bath): this is sometimes due to rheumatic conditions, often help bath of decoction of the tubers of wild cyclamen.
In the treatment of headaches catarrhal nature, frontal sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis:
prepare fresh juice from the tubers of cyclamen. Carefully! 2 drops (no more! This is very important!) to drip in each nostril and ONLY ONCE!! The patient leans back and 5 minutes of breathing the nose. After 10-15 minutes he starts sneezing and coughing, with complains of fever, suhana in maxillary sinus surgery. On the face and body it is the sweat. Patient, his his head should be put to bed. After some time, the nose will begin to stand out thick pus and it will last about a day. After the session the patient goes to sleep, and Wake up feeling relieved. Such treatment is carried out only under medical supervision! If necessary, this treatment can be repeated not earlier than in couple of months!
When sinusitis is prepared ointment (it is a milder treatment): mix 1H.l. the juice from the root of cyclamen, juice, onions, honey, juice of Kalanchoe, aloe juice and ointment Vishnevskogo. Moistened in this part 2 fleece (cheat on their matches), put them in each nostril for 30 minutes. after 20 days of treatment the maxillary sinus cleared.
In cases of depression, nervous and mental diseases, at the General psycho-emotional excitability to make alcohol tincture from the tubers of cyclamen: take 10g of the crushed fresh tubers of cyclamen, pour the 100g of alcohol, to insist 5-7 days in a cool dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day neurasthenia, etc. Improves the condition after the first methods.
To improve circulation in the extremities do baths for hands and foot bath: they help with dizziness and migraine, divert blood from the head to the feet. Need to brew in 10 liters of water 20 tubers of cyclamen and pour into a separate bowl 1-2 liters of the broth. In the remainder, when it cools down, at first immersed for 30 min arms, and then legs. The broth, which just got cast in a separate bowl, 3 times wet his head, collecting after each pouring the broth into a bowl and using for the next pouring. Repeat the procedure several days until you weaken a pain and will not improve the General condition. The same broth can be used several times, each time slightly heated.
For the treatment of sinusitis: the tuber of a flower crushed, squeeze out the juice and dilute with cold boiled water in proportion (1:10). The drug instilled two drops in each nostril once a day. With good endurance and wellbeing it can be repeated for 2 days (no more!).
In the treatment of headache neuralgic character make a tincture from the tubers of cyclamen: take 10g minced raw, pour into it 100 ml of alcohol, insist week and take 30 drops twice a day.
Cautions and contraindications: children under 6 years, pregnant and lactating women to use cyclamen is not recommended. Because of its toxicity it is better to use other methods and medications. Always when using drugs of cyclamen need to be very careful with dosages and concentration.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.narmedlek.info/10material/ciklamen.php
In this case, the flower is poisonous and it can cause some people allergic reactions and even serious poisoning due to overdose.
It is known that the tubers of cyclamen contain a biologically active substance group of saponins cyclamen in contact with mucous membrane irritant and causes enhanced reflex secretion, promotes natural drainage (cleansing) of the paranasal sinuses.
This flower is well distributed in the Caucasus, love the scattered shade of the forest.

Flowering cyclamen in the wild is great in early spring. Closer to the summer, with the onset of heat, the ground portion of the plant dies and the new leaves appear only in late autumn.
In urban areas, if there are no wild plants, and cultivated potted cyclamen.
And as a medicinal raw material used the tuber of the cyclamen. It was found saponin, cyclamen and bitter substances.
Preparations of the plant are used as sedative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Especially well-known cyclamen in folk medicine as a means of completely and permanently cures chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, polyps in the nose and adenoids, and also treats arthritis, headaches.
The preparations of cyclamen in folk medicine
In dropsy, gout, rheumatism, jaundice, digestive disorders, intestinal cramps, headaches, diseases of the urinary bladder: to make alcohol tincture from the tubers of the cyclamen flower. Take 50g chopped fresh tubers of cyclamen, pour 500 ml of alcohol, insist in a dark warm place for two weeks, periodically shake the contents. Then strain, squeeze, store in a cool and dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
If you have stiff joints (outer bath): this is sometimes due to rheumatic conditions, often help bath of decoction of the tubers of wild cyclamen.
In the treatment of headaches catarrhal nature, frontal sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis:
prepare fresh juice from the tubers of cyclamen. Carefully! 2 drops (no more! This is very important!) to drip in each nostril and ONLY ONCE!! The patient leans back and 5 minutes of breathing the nose. After 10-15 minutes he starts sneezing and coughing, with complains of fever, suhana in maxillary sinus surgery. On the face and body it is the sweat. Patient, his his head should be put to bed. After some time, the nose will begin to stand out thick pus and it will last about a day. After the session the patient goes to sleep, and Wake up feeling relieved. Such treatment is carried out only under medical supervision! If necessary, this treatment can be repeated not earlier than in couple of months!

When sinusitis is prepared ointment (it is a milder treatment): mix 1H.l. the juice from the root of cyclamen, juice, onions, honey, juice of Kalanchoe, aloe juice and ointment Vishnevskogo. Moistened in this part 2 fleece (cheat on their matches), put them in each nostril for 30 minutes. after 20 days of treatment the maxillary sinus cleared.
In cases of depression, nervous and mental diseases, at the General psycho-emotional excitability to make alcohol tincture from the tubers of cyclamen: take 10g of the crushed fresh tubers of cyclamen, pour the 100g of alcohol, to insist 5-7 days in a cool dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day neurasthenia, etc. Improves the condition after the first methods.
To improve circulation in the extremities do baths for hands and foot bath: they help with dizziness and migraine, divert blood from the head to the feet. Need to brew in 10 liters of water 20 tubers of cyclamen and pour into a separate bowl 1-2 liters of the broth. In the remainder, when it cools down, at first immersed for 30 min arms, and then legs. The broth, which just got cast in a separate bowl, 3 times wet his head, collecting after each pouring the broth into a bowl and using for the next pouring. Repeat the procedure several days until you weaken a pain and will not improve the General condition. The same broth can be used several times, each time slightly heated.
For the treatment of sinusitis: the tuber of a flower crushed, squeeze out the juice and dilute with cold boiled water in proportion (1:10). The drug instilled two drops in each nostril once a day. With good endurance and wellbeing it can be repeated for 2 days (no more!).
In the treatment of headache neuralgic character make a tincture from the tubers of cyclamen: take 10g minced raw, pour into it 100 ml of alcohol, insist week and take 30 drops twice a day.
Cautions and contraindications: children under 6 years, pregnant and lactating women to use cyclamen is not recommended. Because of its toxicity it is better to use other methods and medications. Always when using drugs of cyclamen need to be very careful with dosages and concentration.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.narmedlek.info/10material/ciklamen.php