10 plants, which are better to avoid
Wild animals, biting and stinging insects, snakes in the forest, danger lurks at every step. And even if a picnic or a hike scheduled in the Amazonian jungle, and familiar to the child the woods, it's not a reason to relax. Sometimes the phantom menace is lurking right under your feet.
Not everything that grows in the wild, you can touch, smell and the more there is. Banal contact with some forest and field plants can result in severe poisoning. A few berries or milligrams juice of a toxic plant, mistakenly accepted as useful, can be a lethal dose.
These 10 plants don't just need to be able to distinguish from others, but, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, to stay away from them.
The common ragweed Plant, resembling wormwood or hemp, generates poisonous pollen. In the flowering period, when the concentration of pollen reaches its peak, ambrosia can easily cause allergies and departure. Several grains of pollen is enough to show inflammation of the eyes, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, and in particularly high doses, conjunctivitis.
Cow parsnip in contact with the plant or, worse, on skin its juice, can cause severe inflammation and prolonged healing burns. To develop a burn, enough for even half a minute of contact. Inflammation may be accompanied by fever, dizziness, itching and headache.
The field bindweed common field bindweed is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance. The plant contains a resinous substance convolvulin. It is a strong poison that can cause burning in the mouth and nasopharynx, stomach pain, diarrhea and dehydration.
The Hemlock Plant insidiously the fact that in the first year of growth forms leaf and root, similar to parsley. In this pseudometric contains a liquid alkaloid coniin. If his taste, will start the paralysis of various parts of the Central nervous system, will increase blood pressure and impair breathing.
Pigweed, white pigweed Externally similar to the edible quinoa. However, unlike the latter, pigweed refers to poisonous plants. If it is accidentally mistaken, this mistake will cost exhaustion as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dehydration.
Celandine Herb is a favorite folk remedy in the fight against warts, calluses and acne. But before to cauterize them something worth several times to think, because the celandine is toxic. The plant contains several alkaloids that may cause vomiting, colic, diarrhea, and when it is administered in large doses, death.
Arum spotted the Plant contains a toxic substance heroin. It is dangerous that has a paralyzing effect on the Central nervous system. Skin contact does not Bode well, in addition to irritation and burn. In cases of poisoning by plant headaches, diarrhea, breaks a cold sweat. Severe are going to be convulsions, hallucinations, and arrhythmia.
Watershed common plant of the Buttercup family is ubiquitous in suburban areas and in the woods. But few know that it is poisonous. Especially his flowers. Poisoning can be recognized by dizziness, tingling of the tongue, spasms of the extremities and arrhythmias. Heavy item can lead to death caused by respiratory arrest.
Henbane popular expression "what are you Smoking?" was not invented by accident. Henbane is a poisonous plant, poisonous plant and all its parts. One of the main signs of departure are delusions and hallucinations. Besides them there is also increased sweating, fever, tachycardia, and photophobia, in severe cases, respiratory failure, convulsions and loss of consciousness. Can even be fatal.
Aconite is a plant of the family Ranunculaceae is fraught with mortal danger. At the root and unripe seeds of the plant contain alkaloids, mainly aconitine. For otraslyam effects it is comparable with Curare. Actin can cause severe poisoning, accompanied by dizziness, darkening of the eyes, convulsions of the limbs, arrhythmia, and even death resulting from respiratory arrest.published
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Tibetan Lama: 6 types of lies of European civilization
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/05/14/10-rastenij-kotorye-luchshe-obxodit-storonoj/
Not everything that grows in the wild, you can touch, smell and the more there is. Banal contact with some forest and field plants can result in severe poisoning. A few berries or milligrams juice of a toxic plant, mistakenly accepted as useful, can be a lethal dose.
These 10 plants don't just need to be able to distinguish from others, but, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, to stay away from them.
The common ragweed Plant, resembling wormwood or hemp, generates poisonous pollen. In the flowering period, when the concentration of pollen reaches its peak, ambrosia can easily cause allergies and departure. Several grains of pollen is enough to show inflammation of the eyes, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, and in particularly high doses, conjunctivitis.
Cow parsnip in contact with the plant or, worse, on skin its juice, can cause severe inflammation and prolonged healing burns. To develop a burn, enough for even half a minute of contact. Inflammation may be accompanied by fever, dizziness, itching and headache.
The field bindweed common field bindweed is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance. The plant contains a resinous substance convolvulin. It is a strong poison that can cause burning in the mouth and nasopharynx, stomach pain, diarrhea and dehydration.
The Hemlock Plant insidiously the fact that in the first year of growth forms leaf and root, similar to parsley. In this pseudometric contains a liquid alkaloid coniin. If his taste, will start the paralysis of various parts of the Central nervous system, will increase blood pressure and impair breathing.
Pigweed, white pigweed Externally similar to the edible quinoa. However, unlike the latter, pigweed refers to poisonous plants. If it is accidentally mistaken, this mistake will cost exhaustion as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dehydration.
Celandine Herb is a favorite folk remedy in the fight against warts, calluses and acne. But before to cauterize them something worth several times to think, because the celandine is toxic. The plant contains several alkaloids that may cause vomiting, colic, diarrhea, and when it is administered in large doses, death.
Arum spotted the Plant contains a toxic substance heroin. It is dangerous that has a paralyzing effect on the Central nervous system. Skin contact does not Bode well, in addition to irritation and burn. In cases of poisoning by plant headaches, diarrhea, breaks a cold sweat. Severe are going to be convulsions, hallucinations, and arrhythmia.
Watershed common plant of the Buttercup family is ubiquitous in suburban areas and in the woods. But few know that it is poisonous. Especially his flowers. Poisoning can be recognized by dizziness, tingling of the tongue, spasms of the extremities and arrhythmias. Heavy item can lead to death caused by respiratory arrest.
Henbane popular expression "what are you Smoking?" was not invented by accident. Henbane is a poisonous plant, poisonous plant and all its parts. One of the main signs of departure are delusions and hallucinations. Besides them there is also increased sweating, fever, tachycardia, and photophobia, in severe cases, respiratory failure, convulsions and loss of consciousness. Can even be fatal.
Aconite is a plant of the family Ranunculaceae is fraught with mortal danger. At the root and unripe seeds of the plant contain alkaloids, mainly aconitine. For otraslyam effects it is comparable with Curare. Actin can cause severe poisoning, accompanied by dizziness, darkening of the eyes, convulsions of the limbs, arrhythmia, and even death resulting from respiratory arrest.published
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Tibetan Lama: 6 types of lies of European civilization
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/05/14/10-rastenij-kotorye-luchshe-obxodit-storonoj/