CHICKWEED is not just a weed, but a healer and culinary delights
Each of the gardeners at least once I found myself on a plot of unremarkable weeds, the wood louse. She carefully creeps along the ground, pleases the eye with its flowers-stars, but to get rid of it very difficult. Open secret: it is not necessary – the woodlouse is not an ordinary harmful and pesky weeds, and a real green pharmacy under the legs, which are useful in the kitchen, and in home Spa treatments, and treatment.
Real name woodlice – chickweed, the people lovingly called her heart and Canary grass, and – matrichnogo and slimy. So ubiquitous weed called because of its unique feature – in any weather, even on a foggy morning, even in the heat of the noon she stays juicy and wet, pulling water from the ground and air. Therefore, to expel her from the garden is very problematic, even if hard every day to weed and rip the slimy roots.
Those who are interested in the healing properties of herbs woodlice, a photo will show a modest plant, climbing on the ground, with neat green leaves and graceful white flowers.
The slimy blooms all summer – from may to August, this grass is especially fond of bees. And yet, if your garden is occupied by woodlice – so you have a personal meteorologist. Many gardeners would agree that if Mokrice hours to 9 am holding the flowers tightly closed to be summer rain.
Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers always knew: chickweed is an excellent remedy for shattered nerves. To treat the nervous system and forget about the daily city stress, will not only work on the land and fresh country air, but mokriny infusion.
The classic recipe: a tablespoon of leaves and stems of matrichnykh finely chop, pour a glass of boiling water and insist a couple of hours, and then filtered.
Drink a antidepressant to two times a day half a Cup, and once at night.
This mokriny recipe will help if you get up to mischief heart, and for blood purification.
For the hematopoietic system is especially important chickweed is its therapeutic properties help to increase hemoglobin, and mokriny the infusion is recommended especially for women during menstruation.
Chickweed – store vitamins E, b and C, various acids and elements,and this makes it an excellent General tonic.
To strengthen immunity in the cold season you can drink useful mokriny tea: two tablespoons of dried chickweed herb in a pint of boiling water, boil one hour in a thermos. If you wish you can add honey, cinnamon, cloves and ginger drink is very fragrant, and the benefits will only increase.
Interesting point: homeopaths recommend when brewing tea from chickweed the first 20 minutes the cover does not close – otherwise the grass will "choke" and the healing properties will evaporate.
Chickweed is an herb that is full of surprises, its healing qualities are very diverse. It is particularly revered for the ability to relieve inflammation and pulling of the tumor.
Infusion woodlice were buried in the eye for inflammation and deterioration of vision, but if you are in such experiments are not ready, you can just wash the tired and reddened eyes mokriny decoction, the effect is not worse than the famous blueberries or fragrant dill.
If in the spring and summer you are constantly at the cottage, you are familiar with muscle fatigue and joint pain after an active day on the beds. And it will help the grass chickweed – use and the harm it has long been known, it was used for arthritis, arthrosis, bruises and sprains.
When injuries can be simply applied chopped the grass to the sore spot, tie a scarf and leave for a couple of hours.
If you have problems with joints are advised to drink classic chickweed infusion a quarter Cup a day, and take a bath.
Matricna bath: jar dried 0.25 ml or 0.5 l of chopped fresh steamed woodlice liter of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes under a towel pour into the tub. Spa treatments – no more than 20 minutes!
Long appreciated the benefits of matrichnykh and young mothers decoction of chickweed fed kids incontinence. Interestingly, women's forums claim that this recipe is still popular, and very effective!
If your home medicine Cabinet settled the grass chickweed – useful properties it will surprise and contraindications will surprise even more. The chickweed is practically no hazardous properties (provided that you follow the dosage and drink a decoction of the miracle-weed in large quantities). The only advice – chickweed significantly lowers blood pressure, so if hypotension from such treatment should be abandoned.
Chickweed – a plant that loved all women, because stitchwort – the great beautician rare profile.
With the help of the little pot it's easy to get rid of cracked heels, calluses and corns, but beautiful heels in summer sandals is the dream of every lady.
If you work all day on the ground, you can pick matrichnykh and put in clogs or rubber Slippers. And feet soft, and good for the skin. And in the evening just wash your feet, slather greasy baby cream and put on night cotton socks.
If the cottage is for you – time to relax in a hammock with a book, a recipe can be a little change: the same socks, but with chopped matrichnoi grass inside. Four hours of rest, then a foot bath, favorite cream and you're done!
If skin problems are more serious: allergic rash, small sores or boils – to help with bath macrocnema and succession. To 3 liters of water – 2 cups of herbs to boil, 2 hours to insist, then pour into the tub.published
Also interesting: 5 healthy recipes from dandelions
An incredible benefit of herbs for Your health
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_11519
Real name woodlice – chickweed, the people lovingly called her heart and Canary grass, and – matrichnogo and slimy. So ubiquitous weed called because of its unique feature – in any weather, even on a foggy morning, even in the heat of the noon she stays juicy and wet, pulling water from the ground and air. Therefore, to expel her from the garden is very problematic, even if hard every day to weed and rip the slimy roots.
Those who are interested in the healing properties of herbs woodlice, a photo will show a modest plant, climbing on the ground, with neat green leaves and graceful white flowers.

The slimy blooms all summer – from may to August, this grass is especially fond of bees. And yet, if your garden is occupied by woodlice – so you have a personal meteorologist. Many gardeners would agree that if Mokrice hours to 9 am holding the flowers tightly closed to be summer rain.
Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers always knew: chickweed is an excellent remedy for shattered nerves. To treat the nervous system and forget about the daily city stress, will not only work on the land and fresh country air, but mokriny infusion.
The classic recipe: a tablespoon of leaves and stems of matrichnykh finely chop, pour a glass of boiling water and insist a couple of hours, and then filtered.
Drink a antidepressant to two times a day half a Cup, and once at night.
This mokriny recipe will help if you get up to mischief heart, and for blood purification.
For the hematopoietic system is especially important chickweed is its therapeutic properties help to increase hemoglobin, and mokriny the infusion is recommended especially for women during menstruation.
Chickweed – store vitamins E, b and C, various acids and elements,and this makes it an excellent General tonic.

To strengthen immunity in the cold season you can drink useful mokriny tea: two tablespoons of dried chickweed herb in a pint of boiling water, boil one hour in a thermos. If you wish you can add honey, cinnamon, cloves and ginger drink is very fragrant, and the benefits will only increase.
Interesting point: homeopaths recommend when brewing tea from chickweed the first 20 minutes the cover does not close – otherwise the grass will "choke" and the healing properties will evaporate.
Chickweed is an herb that is full of surprises, its healing qualities are very diverse. It is particularly revered for the ability to relieve inflammation and pulling of the tumor.
Infusion woodlice were buried in the eye for inflammation and deterioration of vision, but if you are in such experiments are not ready, you can just wash the tired and reddened eyes mokriny decoction, the effect is not worse than the famous blueberries or fragrant dill.
If in the spring and summer you are constantly at the cottage, you are familiar with muscle fatigue and joint pain after an active day on the beds. And it will help the grass chickweed – use and the harm it has long been known, it was used for arthritis, arthrosis, bruises and sprains.
When injuries can be simply applied chopped the grass to the sore spot, tie a scarf and leave for a couple of hours.
If you have problems with joints are advised to drink classic chickweed infusion a quarter Cup a day, and take a bath.
Matricna bath: jar dried 0.25 ml or 0.5 l of chopped fresh steamed woodlice liter of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes under a towel pour into the tub. Spa treatments – no more than 20 minutes!
Long appreciated the benefits of matrichnykh and young mothers decoction of chickweed fed kids incontinence. Interestingly, women's forums claim that this recipe is still popular, and very effective!
If your home medicine Cabinet settled the grass chickweed – useful properties it will surprise and contraindications will surprise even more. The chickweed is practically no hazardous properties (provided that you follow the dosage and drink a decoction of the miracle-weed in large quantities). The only advice – chickweed significantly lowers blood pressure, so if hypotension from such treatment should be abandoned.

Chickweed – a plant that loved all women, because stitchwort – the great beautician rare profile.
With the help of the little pot it's easy to get rid of cracked heels, calluses and corns, but beautiful heels in summer sandals is the dream of every lady.
If you work all day on the ground, you can pick matrichnykh and put in clogs or rubber Slippers. And feet soft, and good for the skin. And in the evening just wash your feet, slather greasy baby cream and put on night cotton socks.
If the cottage is for you – time to relax in a hammock with a book, a recipe can be a little change: the same socks, but with chopped matrichnoi grass inside. Four hours of rest, then a foot bath, favorite cream and you're done!
If skin problems are more serious: allergic rash, small sores or boils – to help with bath macrocnema and succession. To 3 liters of water – 2 cups of herbs to boil, 2 hours to insist, then pour into the tub.published
Also interesting: 5 healthy recipes from dandelions
An incredible benefit of herbs for Your health
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_11519