7 ways to distinguish the real branded handbags from fakes
Buying an expensive branded handbags is like buying a car. This should be approached responsibly and check every detail. But, nevertheless, we often want to cheat and is a famous brand to give the usual fake. Therefore, the Website has gathered several ways that will help to keep you from buying outright trash.
Attention to detail
Each model of a famous brand very carefully checked for the presence of marriage. Uneven seams, threads sticking out of and other small imperfections are simply unacceptable. Besides thing high-class, usually made by hand, so the stories about the factory defect should alert.
Rivets and clasps
Pay special attention to the accessories: locks, zippers, rivets and other details done just perfectly, and often, they put their marks, which is a sign of quality and originality things.
For example, the Hermes handbags is stamped Hermes Paris made in France embossed letter on the pull tab, year, silver number bag strap.
Famous brands almost never use rough skin, most often it is subtle, but very high quality materials. Painting should be smooth, without stains and scuffs. While designer handbags are well bent and then recover its shape.
The brand name
But looking for parts, we often ignore the basics: the names. Often the brand name is written in the wrong font, uneven letters, or even mistakes.
Serial number
Serial number — this is the most important sign of authenticity. The sticker with the room sealed and attached so that to remove it and not damage — it is impossible. On the fake the sticker with the number is often just glued on top.
Remember: expensive brand is always expensive packaging, which is made only of the highest quality. The packaging is also completely devoid of color defects: spots or "transitions" tint. And all the accessories tightly Packed and included and never available separately or as a gift.
A sign of the brand
Before going to the store would be aware of the distinctive features of his brand. Remember that each they own.
For example, the original model of Prada will never have a strongly contrasting lining: exact matching color to skin tone — one of the hallmarks of corporate style. And signature Dior lining — bright red color woven with her tone-in-tone logo. Lustrous lining should immediately be alerted.
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