Cats always remain cats! 20 cat for whom size doesn't matter
Regardless, the tiger in front of you, lion or home Vaska, the cat — she is a cat! Did you know that big cats such as tigers, lions and jaguars, by their nature, the same as playful and mischievous as regular domestic cats?
The website publishes two dozen examples of behavior peculiar it seems that all cats, from small to large.
Let's start with the fact that all cats like boxes
Photo source: Fishki.netУж don't know how it happened, but it is a fact
As soon as the cat see the box, they seem to demolish the tower
They certainly need to get in the box
Well, or at least something that remotely might resemble a box
And to climb by any means. A cats motto: "If you do not intermeddle in the box, still try!"
Besides cats I love when they scratch their belly
Of course, only those who they trust
Scratching can not only tummy, but in General any part of the body, they thrilled
And when the cats are thrilled, they all look like this...
What I like to do absolutely everything cats, so it is to play
No matter what, it's important to imagine you in the clutches of the mining
Even if in the clutches of the nothing
Some cats like to sit here, than incredibly pleased with their owners, and anyone else who sees it
Many sleep with their owners in bed
And even eat from the same Cup
And cats well climb on the trees
And always look minimise.
But what are the cats definitely don't like is ride in cars
And sit in the cells
via fishki.net/2057977-razmer-ne-imeet-znachenija-koshki-vsegda-ostajutsja-koshkami.html